My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1973: I am coming back for revenge (10)

"Sister... can we really find a chance to escape?" Douding is obviously a surprise to the pudding.

"I can't find it, can't I sit still?"

"But I think Mommy and Daddy must be anxious to die...I found out that we are missing." Douding drums squatting and licking round eyes.

"Mummy and the land will definitely find us, they are so powerful... High IQ is not just to talk about it, rest assured." Pudding comforted his sister.

"But my sister, will we be killed before Mommy and the donkeys come?"

"The kill is also to kill you first." Pudding faintly swept his sister.

"For Mao?" Douding is obviously not convinced.

"People are afraid that famous pigs are afraid of being strong. If you are so fat, you must kill you first." Pudding was joking.

"Khan... Qin Chaochao classmates, your jokes are not funny at all, say it again... When is this, you are still joking with me? Are you too hearty?" Douding.

"Cute your, let you not be so nervous... Come, let's eat, everything is waiting for us to eat."

After that, the pudding took her sister to the corner of the warehouse.

Two people, one box, a box of rice, and a small hand holding a lunch box, it seems a bit bleak.

"This is for you, you can eat more." After the pudding opened the lunch, I found that there were only two dishes, one that looked greasy and braised pork, and one that was fried with spinach. It was really bad food, with beans. In the words of Ding, even the chickens, ducks, geese and dogs that they raise in their homes will not eat the same things as pig food.

Perhaps it is because the time to buy it is too long, and some are cold.

"Sister, just two pieces of meat, you give it back to me, then what about you?" Douding looked at her sister with some eyes.

"I don't like meat, I am tired of eating, the vegetables are very good, and contain vitamins." After that, the peas ate in a big mouth.

"Hey, you are always so guilty... Actually, I know that you love me...but you just said it, you will die? Really... This temper is still like a slap, I don’t look ashamed, oh The ground often tells Mummy..." Douding complained that her sister's temper is too stuffy.

"Please, Qin Qin, classmates and mommy are husband and wife, and we are sisters... Is it comparable? Big fool."

Doudin: ...

The two sisters talked and quarreled while eating, and the time was too fast. The most important thing was that the Bean Ding was not so scared because she and her sister were together.

The pudding sensiblely gave the meat to the peas, and then feared that she was cold, she sat in the corner and hugged her tightly.

Tell her something fun to see in the book or on TV.

On the other side, Hossie looked at the cell phone with twins.

"Oh... two little ghosts, there will still be such advanced mobile phones."

He is incredible, the two little guys are taking the most advanced brand of mobile phones on the market.

"Boss, time is almost up, can we call for a ransom?" The thief's eyebrows came over and smiled.

"What are you worried about? How are they in two states?" Huo Siyi was a little impatient.

"The state is very good, saying that I am hungry. I just got a box lunch and water."

"There is still this thing? Oh... It’s really a child with a perverted high IQ. It’s so calm and calm."

"Boss, you said who we call this call? We have been investigating for so long, and we can harvest a lot... This pair of twins is not only the sleeping pigs of Huo Mian and Qin Chu, but also the heart of Su Yu, are we not? Can you extort two strokes at the same time?" The people under Huo Shiyi are whimsical.

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