My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1975: I am coming back for revenge (12)

"Well, he came back, and changed the name to enter the secret, so we didn't find it." Qin Chu really hated himself for negligence. He didn't expect that Huo Siyi would dare to return to China. After all, Huo Siqian was at the beginning. I want to put them to death.

I didn't even think that he would not look for Huo Siqian to revenge when he returned to China. He would catch their children. It was a dog.

"If it is Huo Siyi, then he must be looking for revenge." Huo Mian calmed down after hearing Hoss.

"Don't worry, my wife... Huo Shiyi's mind is simple, it can't be a big climate... He is nothing more than money, we give him... just don't hurt pudding and doudding." Qin Chu is particularly afraid of Huo Mian excitement.

"I understand."

"Have you ordered it?" Qin Chu cares.

"Much better, don't worry about me, it's important to find a child."

"Well, you give the phone to Su Yu..." Qin Chu is straightforward.

"Okay." After that, Huo Mian handed the phone to Su Yu.

"Hey, it's me." In fact, talking to Qin Chu, Su Yu still feels weird, after all, it is a rival.

"Please help me to watch Xiaomian... I think Huo Siyi will definitely give her, or call me to ransom... I am afraid that Xiaomian is too impulsive, and I am ransom for myself... too dangerous, after all, Huo Siqian not only wants money, but also wants revenge, so please take a good look at her. Once there is a rush, call me immediately."

"No problem, you can rest assured." Su Yu nodded.

Hanging up the phone, Huo Mian asked Su Yu, "My husband, he... what did you say to you?"

"Ah...he said, let me take care of you in the hospital, your body is not very good, don't fall into the root of the disease, just come back, there is no time difference, pay attention to rest, don't wait for the children to come back, yourself Tired of it."

"Really?" Huo Mian apparently did not believe.

"Of course... when I lied to you." Su Yu has some guilty conscience.

"I am a little hungry, you can buy some food for me." Huo Mian suddenly spoke.

"What do you want to eat, I can ask people to buy it... Don't go down in person, it's too much trouble."

"..." Seeing that Su Yu is not fooled, Huo Mian does not dare to say more.

The Municipal Bureau, Qin Chu and Gao Ran have more than N police officers. They started various investigations without stopping, but the scope is too big. It is really difficult to find them in a short time.

"Do you think... Who will Huo Shiyi give to this ransom?" Gao Ran looked at Qin Chu.

"It is estimated that... sleep."

"Because he is going to take revenge?" Gao frowned.

Qin Chu nodded... worried.

"Then you said... will Horshim be involved in this matter too?" Gao Ran analyzed.

Qin Chumo does not say anything... It seems to be thinking about something.

Here, the hospital is here, the time passes by...

Huo Mian has been staring at the phone, and Su Yu also noticed that she is staring at the phone.

"I went to the toilet... You shouldn't follow me too." Huo Mian got up and glanced at Su Yu.

"Of course not, am I so awkward?"

Huo Mian took the phone without leaving any traces, secretly hid the headphones in the palm of his hand, then got up and went to the bathroom of the suite.

Su Yu is not at ease, she has been guarding her at the door, afraid that she has any concealment.

Huo Mian sat on the toilet and stared at the phone screen.

Less than three minutes, sure enough...

A number starting with 1009 calls, because there is a headset, so there is no sound.

Hum sleep directly presses on, then brings headphones.

"Huo Mian... We haven't seen you for a long time." Huo Shiyi's smug voice came, and Huo Mian only felt a cold heart.

"Huo Siyi, where are my daughters?" Huo Mian's voice is very light, but because it is close to the earphones, the other party can certainly hear clearly.

Su Yu, who is guarding at the door, is inaudible because of the blockage of the door.

PS: Baby, today editors officially informed me that December 30 and 31 two days, I will update N multi-word compensation for everyone, we will wait and see.

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