My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1976: I am coming back for revenge (13)

"Oh, don't be nervous, they are in my hands." Huo Siyi smiled proudly.

"Please don't hurt them, what is coming to me." Huo Mian is particularly nervous.

"You can rest assured that this time... I am coming to you."

"How much do you want? I give it... but as long as it is guaranteed, my daughters can't hurt a little, and one hair won't work... otherwise I will never let you go." Huo Mian half threatened.

"You better figure out the situation. Now that people are in my hands, the dominance is in me. You are not qualified to threaten me. I am not qualified to talk to me about conditions. I don't know if I hurt my hair, but I know, as long as you don't According to my instructions, the two of them will become two bodies..." Huo Shiyi put down the words.

"Huo Siyi begged you, don't do it... They are still small, innocent, don't know anything, you have hatreds and hatred for me, you are directed at me, I can't do it for you." ?"

"Very well, since you are so open, I will be relieved." Huo Siyi wants Huo Mian's so urgent attitude.

"How much do you want, I am ready now." Huo Mian is anxious to die. I can’t wait to get money to redeem people right away.

"Oh, do you think that the hatred between us can be easily solved by money?" said Huo Shiyi.

"What do you want?" In order not to let Su Yu at the door hear, she deliberately lowered her voice.

"I want you to come... a person can't call the police, can't tell Qin Chu, can't alarm anyone."

"I am going, will you let my children?" asked Huo Mian's temptation.

"Of course, exchange hostages." Huo Siyi made a request.

"This can be, no problem, when?"

"You can go out now, I will keep you informed, wait for me to call."

"No, you can't call me. If I don't see it, my husband will check my phone and listen to my call records,'d better change it."Huo Mian considers that he may be being tracked, afraid of the time. Enraged Huo Siyi, then the children will be in danger.

In the words of Huo Mian, Huo Shiyi really listened to it.

I felt that it made sense. So I nodded and said immediately. "Then you are like this, you are going out immediately, go to the intersection of Tangshan Street... there will be a black van, someone will be waiting for you there, you can get on the bus directly, remember, Don't leak your whereabouts, or I won't be ruthless about your child."

"Don't hurt them, I will do what you say, but you have to make sure that if I go, I will let them go."

"You came and said, I said, you are not qualified to talk to me about conditions." After that, Huo Siyi hung up.

When Huo Mian came out, he hid the headphones and held the phone in his hand. It seemed to come out very casually.

"You look very bad, is it okay?" Su Yu stepped forward to help her.

"Nothing." Huo Mian shook his head.

Just finished this sentence, her eyes closed, directly fainted, but fortunately Su Yu is around.

Otherwise, he would lie directly on the ground, and Su Yu was shocked.

He picked up Huo Mian on the bed, then ran out directly to open the door and called the doctor.

"Doctor, doctor... Come on, she fainted." Su Yu looked at Huo Mian fainted and immediately ran out to call people.

I didn't think about anything else at all.

At the moment when Su Yu turned and went out, Huo Mian quickly opened his eyes and opened the door and ran out.

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