My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1977: I am coming back for revenge (14)

Huo Jin just ran in the opposite direction of Su Yu... that is the location of the exit.

When Su Yu took the doctor back, he found that Huo Mian had disappeared...

This time he was dumbfounded, only to know his own calculations.

So I immediately picked up the phone and called Qin Chu.

"Qin Chu..."

"You said."

"Huo Mian she..." Su Yu felt very embarrassed for the first time and did not dare to say it directly.

"What happened to her?" Listening to Su Yu talking and vomiting, Qin Chu is even nervous to die.

"She just fainted, I was scared to go to the doctor, and came back and found that she was gone." Su Yu said anxiously.

"I'm missing? How is it possible? Then you...what did you hear any suspicious calls?" Qin Chu suspected that Huo Siyi had been to Huo Mian.

"The phone is not... but..."

"How about?"

"But she went to the bathroom before she fainted. Because of the soundproofing, I was not sure if I answered the phone. She stayed in the bathroom for five or six minutes."

"Okay, I understand."

After saying that Qin Chu had a phone call, Su Yu was also anxious to die.

He began to call around, mobilizing his connections and relationships, trying to find information about hibernation and children in various ways.

At this time, Qin Ning also called.

Su Yu did not know the Qin Ning number. She saw it as the United States and hesitated a little.

Then I picked it up.


"Su Yu?" Qin Ning asked uncertainly.

"I am, who are you?"

"Hello, I am Qin Ning."

"Qin Ning? Oh... I remembered it, Qin Chu's sister." Su Yu suddenly realized.

"Well, it's me... I looked at the time. My brother's family should have been safely landed. I sent a video to Pudding and Douding. They didn't pick up, and then they called my nephew and couldn't get through. Give me a fight, I am. Brother is not picking up... I am a little panicked, is there something wrong?"

"How do you know my number?" Su Yu is a bit strange.

Qin Ning can directly hit the Su Yu mobile phone, and it is really an accident.

"When the pudding and the pudding are here, I often recite it. Your number is easy to remember. I will write it down, didn't bother you?"

"That's not... but... there is some trouble now."

"What trouble, is it that they have an accident?" Qin Ning's heart immediately hung up.

Qin Chu did not pick up Qin Ning's phone, but she didn't have time to explain to her, and she didn't want her to worry.

Su Yu also knows that it is only... such things are not expected to last long.

"There is something wrong, I said to you... You have to be calm, but you can't guarantee that you can't tell other members of your family, especially the old people, you will worry."

"Okay, you said."

"Twin... they are gone." Su Yu told Qin Ning the truth.

"Is not seen? That is... what do you mean?" Qin Ning didn't react at first.

"That is... being kidnapped, maybe."

"Kidnapping?" When I heard these two words, Qin Ning’s brain was only a blank.

"How come? My brother, he has always been very careful. There are reliable bodyguards going back and forth. How can someone steal their children under their eyes? It is incredible."

"Obviously the other party is premeditated. Even if your brother is well prepared, there will be a sparseness in Baimi. This time is not a question of your brother's carelessness. The problem is... We are all looking for children, very anxious."

"Then my nephew must be anxious to die... She is the mother who is the most sad." Qin Ning asked while crying.

"Your nephew...just disappeared." Su Yu said intermittently.

"What??" Qin Ning is even more unacceptable.

"Your brother told me to look at her, but I was kicked by her. She should have received a robbery call to save the child."

"God, my weak woman with a hand and no chicken strength, how can I save a child alone? How is she so confused?" Qin Ning felt that the high IQ of the scorpion was so irrational for the first time.

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