My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1978: I am coming back for revenge (fifteen)

"Small sleep her... I don't usually be so impulsive, just... I will be very excited when I meet my child."

"That must be, everyone who has a mother will have the nature to protect the child, that is the aura of maternal love." Qin Ning whispered.

"Don't cry, don't worry, my brother and I have tried every means to find it again, not too long."

"Do you know who the other person is?" Qin Ning asked.

"It is said that it should be Huo Shiyi... a family before your nephew."

"It seems... things are not optimistic, if it is for ransom, most afraid of revenge, Su Yu... I heard that your family background is very strong, please be sure to save the twins and my nephew, absolutely can not let They have something, okay?"

Qin Ning cried for Su Yu...

"Do not worry, even if you don't say it, I will not spare no effort."

"You have different meanings for the twins. You are in their hearts. The status is really heavy... second only to my brother, this relative... Do you know what happened in Los Angeles this time? ?"


"In order to buy gifts for you, the twins went out alone, smashed me and all the bodyguards, and evaded all the surveillance videos. They disappeared for four hours in vain... scared us away, just because we wanted to get rid of the limitations of adults, go out alone. You choose a decent gift. After my nephew knows it, I am furious and pick up them, and I also beat the beans."

Su Yu listened to silence, but her heart was particularly uncomfortable.

"Things should still be in the baggage. It is a limited belt of Versace. The pudding says that you like this brand."

"The two children are really..." Su Yu has some whimpers.

"Pudding and Doudin have emphasized to me every day during the time in the United States. How good is their Su Shuai... How much hurts them, just like the squatting... So I am also fascinated, I think... small children It is the simplest, it will not deceive people, who is really good to them, they know especially, so they will love you so much."

"Yeah, I am also them." I thought about the three years of getting along with each other. From the moment they came out of the delivery room, Su Yu began to have a long entanglement with them.

Watching the two little guys grow up day by day, like Huon, he is the joy of being a parent.

Now that the child is gone, his fear is no less than that of Qin Chu and Huo Mian.

"So... you have to save them, please, Su Yu... I beg you." Qin Ning may have been through the twins, perhaps knowing that Su Yu is the background of the military region, so he feels that he is particularly powerful and has nothing to do. No.

A strong desire for Su Yu to save people, in fact, Su Yu heart is more anxious than anyone else.

"I will, I will save them, don't worry."

"Then I am now booking a ticket to go back to China." After that, not waiting for Su Yu to speak, Qin Ning hangs.

Su Yu raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, and there were wet tears.

In order to buy gifts for him, the twins have taken such a big evil. It is no wonder that Huo Mian has always blamed herself for being too fierce to them.

These two children are really...

Within the city council

Hearing that Huo Mian was gone, Qin Chu immediately asked Gao Ran to investigate the call record of one second before Huo Mian.

Sure enough, she heard her conversation with Huo Siyi. After listening to this conversation, Qin Chu’s eyes were more dignified.

"He asked Huo Mian to go alone... It is definitely not good, can't go, Huo Mian is really confused." Gao Ran regrets.

"For the children, she must go to the meeting, I know her." Qin Chu is surprisingly calm.

"Is the location of the audio output of Huo Siyi?" Qin Chu turned to look at the little policeman behind him.

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