My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1985: Difficult choices (2)

"Holly, you don't mean anything about it now, you said, what do you want?"

"I want you to come, alone.... Otherwise I will kill Huoming immediately."

"Don't ransom?" Horsham was surprised.

"You may not know, I should not be short of money now... I have mixed up outside. Compared with the money, I want to take revenge more... I will wait for you for an hour, you will not come...Huo Mian Will become a dead body."

"Don't move her, I will go." Huo Siqian almost didn't even think about it, and immediately agreed to Huo Siyi's request.

"It seems that I am right, you really love her, haha." Huo Siyi was heartbroken and laughed.

"How do I find you?"

"You go out with your mobile phone, I will send someone to look for you, remember... don't play tricks with me. If I find someone tracking, I will kill Huoming immediately."

After finding the soft underbelly of Huo Siqian, Huo Siyi tried his best, because every time he said that he was sleepy, he would be nervous.

"Reassured, I won't play tricks, but if I know that Xiaomian has any mistakes, you will die."

Huo Siqian is also full of threats.

After hanging up the phone, Huo Siqian wore clothes and went out.

"Boss, where are you going?"

"You don't have to follow me, just like this."

"Boss..." The people under him don't seem to be at ease.

"It's all gone, don't you listen to me? Do you want to rebel?" Huo Siqian glared.

"Boss, we are just worried about you alone..."

"Reassured, Hossie that idiot, I saw big since childhood... He was not my opponent before, and it will not be after, I have a measure... You are waiting for news at home, right, Huo Wei over there. Is there any news?"

"I went to her residence and found that her daughter and her were gone, and did not go to work."

"It seems that Huo Siyi has already been arranged." Huo Siqian worried out of the door.

On the other side, within the city council

"How do you say Shen Mingxi? Can you contact Huo Wei?" Qin Chu asked.

Su Yu shook his head. "Just by phone, he suddenly couldn't get in touch. There was no work unit or family... even her little child was gone."

"It seems that Huo Siyi is prepared, forget it, don't look for it, and even if it is found, it doesn't make much use... When Huo Shiyi and Shen Jiani ran away, it was enough to see this Huo, she was That has no place in the mother and child." Qin Chu analysis.

"So, are we going to sit still now? Just waiting for him to call us for a ransom? In case...he doesn't want money?" Su Yu was a little scared, and she was afraid that Huo Siyi would not care for revenge. .

"No one can't go with the money, and Huo Siyi will definitely call." Qin Chu's mood is also extremely bad.

However, in order to the overall situation, it is still necessary to stabilize, so it can only be forced to calm down.

"Right, your sister knows this, she said that the day is coming back." Su Yu took a look at Qin Chu.

"How did she know?" Qin Chu frowned slightly.

Then Su Yu said Qin Ning and his own phone call.

Qin Chu did not say anything more...

Suburban abandoned factory

"Sister, you will catch up soon, and you will be there soon."

"Sie...what are you bringing me here?" Huo's face was so arrogant.

"Give you something good, something that will make us rich." Hossie laughed.

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