My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1986: Difficult choices (3)

Huo Wei, she was still in the joy of reunion with Huo Siyi. Before she could think too much, Huo Siyi took her and her children away.

The child stayed in the warehouse on the other side, playing with a big breasted woman with heavy makeup and a glamorous dress.

Huo Siyi said that she took her to see a good thing, she looked curious.

Until she walked into an abandoned factory, she began to feel faint.

"Yi Ge..." Several men were eating lunch and saw that Huo Shiyi came in and immediately got up.

"Well, this is my sister...not an outsider," said Huo Shiyi.

"Big sister is good." Several small gangsters sang the ritual.

Huo Wei is extremely unaccustomed...

"Sili, who are they?"

"It’s all my men.” Huo Siyi said that he did not agree.

"Come, sister... I will show you our chips." Hussein walked into the small warehouse with Huo Wei.

Open the door, inside is the twins who are curling up in the corner and eating the box lunch.

"They are...?" After seeing the children, Huo was shocked.

"Yes, they are the twins of Huo Mian's life. Now I have been caught by them. They are in their hands. How much do I need? Qin Chudu gives... Hehe."

" can you do this?" Huo Wei looked at Huo Shiyi with a strange look, which was really unacceptable.

"Why can't I do this? Who was the victim of our family? We are a good family, Dad is so painful to us two, not all of them are dead, and Huo Siqian, the bastard, teamed up. Calculating us, I finally forced my mom and my mother to run.... It’s also a life that you haven’t been in for a few years, but now it’s alright, sister... no one is bullying us.”

After Huo Siyi came back, he was not anxious to find Huo Wei, and he was afraid of leaking his whereabouts.

After waiting for the twins and Hum sleep, they sent people to immediately pick up Huo Wei and the children to leave.

He intends to wait for the ransom to get his hand. After the big hatred has been reported, he will leave here with Huo Wei.

"Where is the mother? I want to see her..." Huo Wei felt that Huo Siyi was crazy and irrational.

So I want to see Mom and find out what is going on.

"Mom is still in Vietnam, not coming back."

"Vietnam? How did you go to Vietnam?"

"Speaking long, I am free to tell you... Let's go, let's go eat."

After that, Huo Siyi took the door with his hand and left with Huo Wei.

"Sister... the person who just came, do you know? The woman behind the bad guy?" Douding whispered.

"I have never seen it... I don't know who it is, but it seems to be a group of people." Pudding analysis.

"How long do we have to eat this box lunch... It's so hard to eat, I really want to eat fried chicken legs and burgers." Douding pouted, a little pitiful.

"Oh, keep on, let's go out."

Because of the sputum, Bean Ding has always been a picky eater. She always eats such a box lunch. She really can't stand it.

The pudding finally, distressed sister, had to get up and knock at the door.

"Come on, come here..."

"The sea, are you going to see the little devil and shouting?"

A few men were too impatient to swing their hands and direct the man called the sea to come and see.

The sea opened the warehouse door and glanced at the pudding. It was not clear which one was the sister and which was the sister.

"It's me, stupid big." Pudding whispered.

"What's wrong?" After yesterday's incident, this sea called the pudding clearly established an invisible revolutionary friendship.

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