My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1987: Difficult choices (4)

"The lunch is cold and unpalatable. My sister can't eat it any more. Can you order something else to eat? The ham can also be... Please..." The pudding clasped his hands together and pity.

The man called the sea, seeing her like this, suddenly moved the heart of compassion.

"You wait for me." After that, the sea turned back to the table and took a ham and walked over.


"Thank you, stupid big, after we go out, we will repay you." Pudding smiled sweetly.

"Hey, let's not say this, go eat it." The sea sent rice to the twins every day, and suddenly the two little guys were very cute.

Especially this pudding, just like the logical thinking of adults, is especially magical.

The pudding took the ham of the sea, returned to the corner, and handed it to the diced bean.

"Sister, we are half of them."

"I don't like meat, I will gain weight, you eat..." Pudding and Doudian sisters are modest.

Outside the door, a few small gangsters finished eating and continued to play cards to pass the time.

"The sea... What are you doing with him, playing cards?" The sharp-nosed monkey slammed the sea.

"Oh." He only returned to God.

"You have been embarrassed recently? The soul is not guarding?"

"Li Ge, you said... Let's do this kind of thing, is it a harm to the world? Kidnapping such a small child?" The conscience of the sea began to feel uneasy.

"Hey, what? Your conscience found out? I was afraid that you quit. This is the case in the past. It’s daring, starving and timid... I want to be rich and dangerous... If you don’t have the guts, I See you go home early to eat milk, don't **** on the road..."

"No, I mean... Yi Ge caught people. After getting the money, will he put a child?" The sea asked with some concern.

"What do you think about it is really much, let's just take the money and finish it... After the event, Yi Ge, he is killing and letting go, it doesn't matter to us, you can't worry about it... I am with the old lady. Come out quickly."

The heart of the sea is tangled, and he does not even want the twins to have an accident.

When I think of such a flexible child, if I die here, he will feel uncomfortable.

But it didn't help, because even if he wanted to let go, several other people would not agree.

On the other side, Huo Siyi returned to the old nest with Huo Wei.

"Sister, do you see who I still caught?" Huo Siyi pointed to the corner of the warehouse.

Huo Hao looked up and looked... suddenly dumbfounded.

"That is...Hom sleep?"

"Oh, I am very good... In fact, she is very easy to catch, as long as I catch the child first, I am not afraid of the hungry sleep."

"Si Yi... Are you doing this a little too...?"

After Huo's words have not been finished, he will listen and report, "Huo Siqian brought it, boss."

"Good, finally arrived."

"Huo Siyi took a shot on Huo's shoulder. "Sister, let me go out and see. You can go in and talk to Huo Mian's stock, and let her slap a few palms to solve the problem. Hey, now she is the fish that we slaughtered. ”

Huo Siyi thought that Huo Wei was also hibernating.

So when he finished this sentence, he went out. Huo Wei trembled and opened the warehouse door and walked in.

"Huo Mian..." she whispered softly.

“Hey?” Huo Mian raised his head and his voice was weak.

The cheeks were a little red and swollen, and at first glance, they were beaten.

"Oh my God... I'm sorry, I don't know if Si Yi came back, I don't know him..." Huo Wei ran over, screaming at Huo Mian's side.

"Don't cry... it's none of your business, I know."

"I saw your children just now, and I was locked there."

"Children? My children... Are they okay?" When I heard the child, Huo Mian’s voice was a little excited.

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