My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1988: Difficult choices (5)

"Huo Mian, don't worry, the children are very good... no injuries, very safe." Huo Wei immediately comforted her.

"Where are they being held?"

“It’s on the other side of the abandoned factory.”

"That... where is this place?"

"This... I don't know. When I came, I was brought in with a blindfold. I think I might be prepared for it."

After listening to Huo Wei, Huo Mian nodded.

"Are you okay? You look bad..."

"I'm fine... as long as the child is fine, I don't worry about anything else."

"Don't be afraid, I will find an opportunity to find a way to save your child." Huo Hao took Huo Mian's hand and said sincerely.

"Thank you, hehe." At this moment, Huo Mian is really endless gratitude.

"Don't say that, when I was bullied, I was giving you a head... I wouldn't be so unconscionable... and I know that you and Huo Siqian are also enemies. The things of the year were not your fault. Dad’s death is not caused by you... It’s Shi Yi’s horns... I will slowly convince him that he won’t hurt you.”

"Now Huo Siyi should be overwhelmed by hatred, can't listen to persuasion, don't tell him, lest you be scared of snakes... If you have a chance to go out, please tell my husband immediately, let him come Save us, but I think that if Huo Siyi picks you up, I won't let you go out, and I won't let you have a chance to call us for help... The worst result is that you don't care about me at the crucial moment. You must find a way to save my children, okay?"

Huo Mian gripped Huo’s hand tightly...

"You can rest assured, I will try my best, I will find a way. I know that children are very important to you." Huo Wei is talking to Huo Mian.

Suddenly behind the footsteps, Huo Mian gave Huo a look, and she immediately resigned to the back.

"Miss Yan, you come out first, Yi Ge let me bring this woman out."

"Good." Huo Hao nodded.

Give way to that person, then, Huo Mian was directly rudely dragged out by two men.

Huo Wei also warned to go out...

"Sister... There is nothing wrong with you here. You should go back to the small room to rest. Your daughter is still looking for you there." Huo Shiyi turned and said to Huo Wei.

"Sie Yi... Don't do too much, leave room for everything." Huo Wei did not feel relieved.

In the past few years, she has experienced a lot and has seen a lot.

I know that even if I hate hatred, I don’t want to kill people.

At the beginning, Huo Mian helped Huo Wei to take the lead, knowing that he would not hesitate to offend Wei Liao's sister Wei Ying.

Many onlookers think that Huo Mian is a Virgin, and wants to save a woman who once had a hard time.

But in fact, Huo Mian saw that Huo Wei had changed her mind and wanted to be a good person, so she wanted to give her a chance.

And she is a woman, it is not easy to take a child, Huo Mian is also a mother, knowing the mood of being a mother.

Therefore, regardless of the disregard of support for Huo Wei.

Did not want to fight, now the tiger fell to Pingyang, the last glimmer of hope is actually on Huo Wei.

It seems that there is a saying that is quite right, because of the goodness of goodness, the original Huo Mian is also the bullying of Huo Wei, **** her.

Then the last line of life today will be gone, so that people still have to be good at heart.

"Well, then I will go see the children." Huo Wei knows that Huo Siyi is not willing to let her present.

So she didn't stay strong, she turned and was taken to the other side of the house.

Here is the place where Huo Shiyi lives, in addition to him, there is a woman.

When Huo Jin entered, her daughter was standing on the ground, and the woman was smoking a cigarette in her bed.

Looking up at Erlang's legs, painting a large makeup, hair and hair, it looks very decadent.

"Little girl, do you want a bite? Hehehe..." The woman smirked at the Huo's daughter.

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