My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1989: Difficult choices (6)

Huo Wei saw her daughter immediately. "Sweet, are you okay?"

"Mummy..." When the little girl saw her mother, she immediately fell into her mother's arms, and she was very scared.

"Don't be afraid, my mother is here."

"Sister is good..." The woman saw Huo Wei coming in and sat up straight, with the right index finger and **** holding a cigarette.

"who are you?"

"Is Siyi not talking to you? I am a good friend of Siyi." The woman smiled like a flower.

"He didn't tell me." Huo Wei looked at the woman with vigilance and had a bad impression on her.

"Oh, it is estimated that it is too late to tell you, nothing... then I will tell you... Si Yi was with his mother, oh yes, that is your mother. After they fled to Vietnam, they lived very miserable. The man your mother is looking for is gambling all day. Later, I can't afford to use your mother to pay the debts. Your brother... Oh, it is Siyi. In order to save your mother, I was almost killed... I saved them when I passed by. Brought them to the Vietnamese help."

“Vietnam help?” Huo Wei listened to the clouds.

"It is our first local gang in Vietnam. Because of my relationship, Siyi joined the Vietnamese gang. He also struggled, doing a lot of big things, and the deep boss's favor, so he stood firm and I was For his nobles and good looks, he will not look at him and he will always be revengeful... This time, we are going to make a big vote."

"What do you want to do?" Huo Wei vaguely felt that something bad was going to happen.

"Don't he let him... didn't you tell me?" The woman picked up the fox eyes and looked at Huo Wei.

Huo Wei clutched her daughter and shook her head...

"Oh, since I didn't say it, then let's wait for the news... Anyway, after this, we will not go back to Vietnam... We will go to a new place to start again... In fact, you should be glad, Siyi, he I haven't forgotten your sister for a few years... I know I will come back to you."

Huo Wei listened to the heart is not a taste, from this woman's mouth probably know that Huo Siyi has been very hard in recent years.

Mother Shen Jiani, the adulterer, was so scum, almost killed their mother and child.

Fortunately, I’ve come over, but this time, even if I take revenge, I should also look for Huo Siqian, catching Huo Mian and my children? Huo Wei’s heart is really uncomfortable.

She took her daughter's hand and just got out, ready to talk to Siyi.

I listened to the woman behind me and said, "You'd better stay here with your child. If you are outside, it will be cruel, and your child will not be able to stand it."

After that, the woman picked up a purple fur coat and put it on her body, twisting her **** and going out.

After listening to Huo Wei, he dismissed the idea of ​​going out.

She was holding her daughter sweetly in the small room, and she was very panicked. She didn't seem to know what to do?

She wants to call Shen Mingxi and let him tell Qin Chu to save the sleeping and twins.

However, it was discovered that the mobile phone did not know when it was taken away. It seems that she is indeed prepared for her.

Outside the factory

After Huo Siqian was brought in, the hands and feet were tight.

Those people jerked, and Horshim immediately fell to the ground and fell a dog for food.

"The bastard, you finally took my son's hand...." Huo Siyi grabbed the collar of Huo Siqian, and groaned.

"Oh... idiot, I haven't seen it for a long time." Huo Siqian raised his mouth slightly.

Say hello in this extremely special way.

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