My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1990: Difficult choices (7)

"The bastard, you dare to look down on me... I killed you."

Huo Siqian’s words spurred to Huo Shiyi, and he punched him on the face of Huo Siqian.

Then a pair of shoes kicked on the head of Huo Siqian, and there was no mercy.

But this man is not like him, he is not willing to scream.

"Well, Si Yi, don't fight, if you kill, how do we make money?" The woman's voice came from behind.

Hossoon stopped his movements, then slammed the hair of Hoschin and dragged him from the ground.

Horsham’s face looked blurry and looked at the front.

I looked at the woman behind Huo Siyi and then sneered. "I said... How did the idiot suddenly become smart? It turns out... there is a dog-headed division... still a girl."

"You said who is the dog-headed division, who said the girl, I killed you..." Huo Shiyi was tempered and was stimulated.

Still have to continue, but stopped by women.

"Sie Yi... said it, don't be impulsive."

"Clear, I can't stand others yelling at you." Huo Siyi looked at the Qing dynasty.

"No problem, being shackled and not a piece of meat or something... Besides, he is now in our hands, what are you afraid of?"

After that, the woman came over and looked at Huo Siqian and smiled.

"Huo Da, President, hello, first time to meet, please advise." The smile of the Qing dynasty.

"Yu Qingqing, thirty-one years old, was born in Vietnam. At the age of fifteen, he was abducted and sold to Weinan, China. He was a wife who had been a half-year-old nephew. Later, he did not see abuse, fled back to Vietnam, and dared not go home in the red light district* *** I met Vietnam’s boss, Ming Tsai, and became one of his many mistresses. Because of his intelligence, his knowledge, his ghosts, and his deep love, it seems that you are right. ”

"What the **** are you talking about?" Huo Shiyi had just handed over his fist.

It was stopped by the clearing.

"Hey? Si Yi, let him say that he is right, what I have done is not afraid to be known." 阮 阮 clear and charming smile.

"I said, how can the idiot suddenly open up, the behavior is so cautious, the plan is so careful... It turns out that he knows you, and it is really lucky, hehe." Huo Siqian smiled and spit with bloodshot Saliva.

"Hua Da's president's intelligence work is doing a good job. Checking my check is also detailed. It's a pity... Now that you are in our hands, we still have to count on life and death."

"At least you won't let me die now, after all... you want the entire Huo's money, don't you?" Huo Siqian has a well-thought-out.

" how do you want to hand over the money, you know, we don't really want to use it for you, after all... I don't want to be so rude to you..." Qing Qing smiled and reached out, all the way through Huo Siqian opened the chest of the button.

"If I said... I will not hand it over anyway..." Horsham smiled badly.

"That's easy to do, come here, bring the dead goods of Huoming up."

Subsequently, his father dragged Huo Mian directly to Huo Xiqian.

In fact, Huo Siqian has not seen Huo Mian for a long time. Now, when I meet in such a situation, it is really...

"How? Don't you want to thank me? You usually want to see her... It's not that easy." He Qingqing clears his nails and smiles.

Huo Mian looked up and looked at Huo Siqian. Both eyes were quite complicated, but no one spoke.

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