My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1996: Difficult choices (13)

"I can't go with you, I will stop them... I will run fast." The sea was sweating and stopped.

"Stupid big, you can't stay, you have already lost, they will kill you." Pudding shook his head and persuaded.

"It doesn't matter, I am strong, the average person can't beat me, run fast, little pudding... keep going south, don't look back."

The time was particularly rushed, and the sea decided to stay behind to stop the chase behind him.

"Stupid big..." Pudding was tearful.

"Come on, don't waste time, little devil... If you really find you, don't forget to thank me... give me a lot of money to reward me... and then help my mother." The sea still remembers the promise of the pudding.

This made the pudding very moved. He didn't think it was a child's joke, but it was taken seriously.

The pudding took the diced hand and ran south.

"Sister... I can't run..." Douding panted.

"Let you eat less, you still blame me... look... can't run now?"

The pudding struggled to drag on her sister and continued to run. Although she could not keep going, she did not know how far to run.

But if you give up now, then the aunt, and the stupid big man have done everything in vain.

Therefore, the pudding insisted on persisting, even if he really couldn’t move, he would not say to give up.

"Sister... I have heard it, and there are people chasing after him... It’s not a big fool to see it... I stayed behind, and led those people... I will fight for the last time, and you will go to the ground. ”

"No, I have to leave without leaving." Pudding said that he did not agree.

"Sister, when is this all the time, can you not be polite with me? Life is off, Mommy is waiting to save it... I stayed, they won't be like me." I am sure that I am not so troubled to kill me..." The rational analysis of Douding.

"Then I stayed to lead them, you ran... you went back to find the land." Pudding looked up.

"How can that be, my brain is not as easy to use as you are, can't remember the route... I ran, it was useless... I still can't find you when I am..."

The sisters were pushing and they heard a noisy voice behind them.

"Going south, the two little devils should run over there... hurry."

"Sister, let's go, please.... Otherwise it's too late."

Doudou exhausted all his strength and pushed his sister's chest hard.

The pudding only feels that tears can’t stop falling...


"Sister, I love Mommy, love you, I love you more... Although you always quarrel with me, you always have a pair of cold and arrogant clothes, but I am proud of your sister... you are fast Run, if I and Mummy... can’t go back... you have to watch the land, don’t let him lick the stepmother...”

Doudou deliberately teased her sister, but the pudding can still laugh out at this time.

The little face is full of tears... It’s as terrible as being wet by the heavy rain.

"Okay, don't cry... Run... oh." Douding said, then turned and ran in the other direction.

While running, I sang, "One flash and one sparkle, the sky is a little star."

I am afraid that the pursuit soldiers behind me can’t hear...

The pudding did not dare to delay the time, wiped his tears and continued to run.

While running, crying, crying, and talking to himself, "fool, this time, and sing a little star."

Pudding himself did not know how long it took to run, just when she felt that she was losing consciousness.

I saw a police car in front of you...

"Help!" Her faint opening said this sentence and then fainted in front of her eyes.

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