My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 1997: Difficult choices (14)

Qin Chu, Su Yu, Gao Ran, etc. are continuing to wait for news at the headquarters of the city bureau.

Suddenly I heard the subordinates’ return. “On the side of Huairen Road, I found a three-year-old girl who is suspected to be the daughter of Mr. Qin’s family who was missing. Please ask Mr. Qin to confirm.”

"Several children?" Qin Chu could not sit still.

"I only found one."

When Qin Chu heard it, my heart suddenly became cold.

"Where, let's go see." Su Yu is also anxious, and said to Grandpa, the force of the military region.

This time, it is necessary to block the hustle and bustle of Huo Shiyi. He seeks revenge, and even the children are not let go, and it is really ruined.

Qin Chu, Su Yu and Gao Ran immediately rushed to the first hospital after receiving the notice.

At this time, the pudding was sent to the emergency room to rescue oxygen.

"Doctor, how is the child?" Qin Chu is also insane.

"The child is fine, it is running for too long, lack of oxygen... It will be better for a while."

Everyone was relieved to hear this.

When Qin Chu and others walked in, they saw the pudding lying on the hospital bed at a glance.

"Really pudding..." Su Yu is quite pleased.

" is there only a pudding, doudding?" Gaoran slightly frowned, feeling a bad premonition.

Qin Chu carefully walked over and looked at the daughter with an oxygen mask, and his heart was picked up.

He held out his big hand and gently held his daughter's little hand in his palm.

At this time, the pudding also slowly wakes up...

"Hey..." Her voice was weak.

"Budding, don't be afraid, you are safe." Qin Chu hoarse comfort.

"Hey... Go... save the sister... and Mommy..." Pudding wanted only his sister and mother.

"Well, we are looking for it."

"They are in the western suburbs... less than fifteen miles from the TV tower... there are no villages around, they are wild grass... There are two factories, about two miles apart in the middle... There are a lot of people on the opposite be careful."

The pudding breathed out and said everything he knew.

I was shocked by Gao Ran...

This three-year-old child actually remembers so much, the distance and the location description are clear.

"Gao Ran, have you heard my daughter's words? Fast... let your men follow this and go to the western suburbs to find... Don't waste time..."

"Go right away, you can rest assured."

Gao will turn around and go out to deploy the plan.

Su Yu was distressed and joined together. "How did Pudding and Douding come out with you? How did you escape?"

"There is an aunt, she has a little daughter, she seems to be familiar with the big bad guy who caught us... but it is not a bad person... She said that she is a friend with Mommy, and Mommy let her save us." Pudding is simple description of.

Qin Chu immediately reacted, "Huo Wei?"

"Well, yes, what is she called?" Pudding nodded.

"When we escaped, there was a chase in the way... Auntie helped us to lead a part, and I met a stupid big man and helped us a little. Finally... Doudou helped me to open. The last group of people... I can escape... You are going to save them."

"Well, let's go, then you should take care of your illness... don't worry."

Qin Chu patted her daughter's hand and "waited to bring them back."

Pudding nodded gratifiedly...

"Su Yu..." Qin Chu turned and just wanted to speak.

Su Yu immediately waved his hand. "I know, I will take care of the pudding. Go ahead, be careful."

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