My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2004: If you are in trouble, you will have a blessing (2)

Qin Chu lowered his head and found that the countdown had begun.

Eighteen minutes...

"Time bomb?" Qin Chu only felt a loud bang.

He immediately turned back and found that the body of Huoming also started at the same time...

Two identical black boxes count down for eighteen minutes.

Qin Chu did not think much, immediately took out his mobile phone and gave it to Gao Ran.

"Achu, what is your situation?"

"In the shortest time, find me a top bomb disposal expert, fast."

"The bomb disposal expert?" Gao Ran is completely forced.

"Small sleep has exactly the same time bomb as the child, and the time is only 18 minutes, fast..."

"The trough..." This time, even Gao did not care about the occasion, could not help but swear.

He thought it was a bad kidnapping incident, and he didn't expect to have such a high-tech time bomb.

"Fast, arrange the best bomb disposal experts to come... fast." Gao Ran snarled, the police officers who were scared of their hands did not dare to gasp.

Qin Chu carefully put down the bean diced, took her face and comforted, "Doudou, nothing, I have already found an expert, we will go home after a break, okay, my sister is still waiting for you."

"Well, I believe in you, swearing."

The diced bean is still too small to be three years old, so it is not clear what the time bomb and the 18-minute countdown mean.

So after seeing the land, she was calm.

Qin Chu turned his head and went to Huomian.

Hold a hug...

"Husband..." Huo Mian has no idea what to say, just keep crying.

"Don't cry... I am here." Qin Chu patted her behind her to comfort her.

"Husband...sorry, I am in trouble again. I shouldn't run out of yourself... but I am afraid, I am afraid that Hossie's **** will hurt our children..." Huo Mian is very remorseful and remorseful. But it is helpless.

"Without explanation, I understand... you are right... I have not blamed you."

"You are relieved, I have already called Gao Ran... They will arrange for the bomb disposal expert to come soon..."

"Well." Huo Mian nodded and loosened Qin Chu's neck.

Qin Chu got up and walked to Huo Siyi...

Carrying his hair, pulling him up rudely...

"How to remove the bomb?"

"Ha ha ha... Do you think I will say it?" Huo Siyi laughed.

Qin Chuqi’s photo of the Huo Shiyi pig’s head was a fierce kick.

Take him to death...

At this time, Qin Chu noticed that Huo Siqian lying on the ground behind him...

He has no strength to speak, only the last trace of consciousness...

"Huo Siqian, very good... Today, our old and new hatred counts together." After that, Qin Chu picked up a knife on the ground.

Going to Horsham will be stabbed...

"Husband... No." Huo Mian stopped in time.

"Small sleep, you pity him?" Qin Chu looked back, eyes looked at Huo Mian.

"No, I am not pity for him. I just don't think you want to be a murderer, so what difference do we have with him... and you know? If it wasn't for Hoschen, this time repeatedly deliberately angered Huo Siyi, I am afraid I also I can't live now... He hates it, but it really protects me this time... He deserves all the sins we have done, but I believe he will be judged, and we just need to make his crimes public. ... Why do you want to dye blood for this kind of person?" Huo Mian does not want to see Qin Chu as a murderer, killing himself, especially in front of Douding.

Qin Chu realized the meaning of Huo Mian, knowing that the moment was just too impulsive.

He looked back at the pudding, and the child was looking at him with pure eyes. He really couldn't do this.

Thinking of this, he slowly put down the knife in his hand.

I picked up the Bean Ding and sat down with the Huo Mian family, waiting for the rescue team to arrive.

Time passed by, and when the countdown was only eight minutes left, Gao Ran came.

Brought the bomb disposal expert...

"Achu, we are here."

Gao Ran rushed in with a large number of police officers, followed by experts in the bomb disposal team, and three people came.

"Quickly remove the bomb first." Qin Chu has been insane.

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