My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2005: If you are in trouble, you will have a blessing (3)

"Fast, you can see how to dismantle?"

Gao Ran let people catch up with Huo Shiyi, take the car, and then rescue the dying Horsham.

Only Huomian and Doudin are left in the entire factory.

The three bomb-removing experts studied for a long time, and the older expert who eventually led the way.

A face is dignified...

"High school...Qin total..."

"How? Is it difficult?" Gao Ran asked.

"Now is not a difficult problem, but..." The old expert suddenly became vomiting.

Qin Chu and Gao Ran looked at each other and felt that the situation was not good.

"How? You just say it..." Gao Ran gestured to let the old experts continue.

"This miniature bomb is a child bomb."

"What do you mean?" Gao Ran slightly frowned, Qin Chu has been listening calmly.

"That is to say... If you subtract the line here, it will immediately detonate... If you subtract the line there, it will immediately detonate..." the expert explained.

"The evil door...what if the two sides lose together?" Gao did not believe in evil.

"That will detonate at the same time..."

Qin Chu and Gao Ran were silent while listening.

“How long is there left?” Qin Chu asked.

"A little more than seven our suggestion is to let Mr. Qin choose one... Because the bomb is too difficult to design, we can't crack the cumbersome code in a short time, so we can only choose one. ""

"I am going to ask Huo Shiyi the bastard, fucking." Gao qi turned and got on the bus.

"Don't go, useless, he won't say..." Qin Chu has been in contact with Huo Siyi, knowing that he was originally malicious, and will never easily loosen it. If he says, even if it is too loose, time is too short.

Can't continue to waste...

Qin Chu side over the head, flustered and looked at Huomian and Doudin.

Douding is cuddling in the arms of my mother...

"Mummy, I am so hungry... I want to eat fried chicken legs." Douding said softly.

"Oh, it will be very soon. When we are finished, we will go home... When you want to eat, Mommy will do it for you, okay?"

"Okay, I want a toy airplane, the kind that can be remotely controlled...a big one."

"it is good."

"I still want Haagen-Dazs, I still want to eat tiramisu... Yes, my sister likes to eat blueberry flavor, I like to eat strawberry flavor, Mommy, don't confuse..."

"Well, I know."

Huo Mian gently stroked the head of the bean, and calmed her.

"Achu, what should I do now?" Gao Ran sympathetically looked at Qin Chu.

"You will help me take the bean buds to the other side..." Qin Chu whispered.

Because according to the experts, if you can only save one at a time, you can only temporarily separate them.

"Well, do I have to hold a little further?" Gao Ran asked.

Qin Chu did not answer, Gao Ran did not dare to ask again...

Gaoran walked over and picked up the bean diced. "Go, go out with the uncle Gao."

"Wow, Uncle Gao, is Aunt Ling Ling coming?"

"No, she is sleeping at home." Gao Ran is holding the peas and striding out.

"Then your high school is far away? I haven't seen him for a few days. This time I bought him a toy car in the US... haha."

"Is it? Thank you, Bean Ding..." The child's words made Gao Ran shed tears.

"Uncle Uncle, when can I go home, I am going to starve... I am so hungry, do you understand?"

Douding children's words are unscrupulous, and Gao Ran has been complaining. Every time she says a word, Gao Ran feels that her heart is as uncomfortable as Ling.

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