My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2007: If you are in trouble, you will have a blessing (5)

"Qin Daren... I love you the most... You must do it... I know this is cruel to you, and it makes you feel embarrassed... but you should understand, if you let me live, sacrifice 豆丁If I have the rest of my life, I will live in pain..."

"I know... but Xiaomian, I can't lose you, I really can't lose..."

Qin Chu tightly hugged Huo Mian, he really wanted to hold her like this.

Then wait until the bomb explodes and bring the two people together to another world.

"Husband... I am really enough. I have you, a daughter, a family who loves me, a friend of mine... I have enough for this life... I am not sorry... I know that you will face it very hard. The rest of my life, but...the children are still young...they still need a good have to live have to shoulder the responsibility of your father, you have missed them for three years, So you have to make up for the rest of your life." Huo Mian tried to convince Qin Chu with his father's responsibility.

"What about you? Xiaomian... I have missed eleven years between you and me... There are a few eleven years in my life... Are you really leaving you behind?" Qin Chu didn't want to live.

"I don't want to... maybe this is life... If... I said if people have the next life... I am definitely still in the middle of the second... We are still in the high school, then we will go to the United States to study, come back After taking over the family business, we are married and have children, will it be good for a lifetime?"

"I don't want to be in my life, I only need this life." Qin Chu tightly hugged Huoming and refused to let go.

"General Qin, time is too late... you must make a decision as soon as possible."

Behind him came the urging of the experts.

Qin Chu looked down at the time when Huo Mian’s bomb countdown had been more than three minutes, and suddenly he was cold.

"I want to save my wife..." Qin Chuyi announced.

"If you do this, I will kill myself when I wake up... I can't sacrifice Bean Ding..." Huo Mian was worried and looked at Qin Chu with hate.

"Small sleep..."

"Don't call me a sleep... I don't want to sacrifice peas. If you want to choose for me selfishly, I hate you for a lifetime... and if I live, I will commit suicide, and you will lose both of us... ..."

The threat of Huo Mian狠狠.

At this time, Gao is on the side and urged through the walkie-talkie.

"Achu, you have to make a decision as soon as possible. Douding has been taken away by me... choose to sleep, it is estimated that it will explode... If you choose a child... we have to leave as soon as possible. ... can't wait any longer, we are still not sure how strong the bombing power of this bomb..."

"General Qin, still make a decision as soon as possible... time is running out."

Everyone is urging Qin Chu, he only thinks that his head will explode.

In the end... he shouted, "Save my daughter..."

When he finished, he turned his head and walked, crying as he walked... Tears poured out like floods.

The experts behind him heard it and immediately hid behind Qin Chu.

Because Qin Chu intends to save her daughter, it proves that Huo Mian is about to explode.

Huo Mian finally breathed a sigh of relief...

She looked at the handsome back of Qin Chu, and felt that this moment, he is the most handsome man in the world.

"Husband...Thank you." She closed her eyes with tears, waiting for the last moment.

On the other hand, after seeing Qin Chu and the experts came, Gao Er asked, "Do you really decide this?"

"Let him be nonsense, cut it for me..." Qin Chu was finally violent, pointing to the blaster's detonator to direct the experts.

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