My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2008: If you are in trouble, you will have a blessing (6)

Several bomb blasting experts just wanted to move. At this moment, they heard the voice of a woman coming from the door.

"do not move."

The crowd turned back and saw a strange young woman standing in the doorway with a small red box in her hand.

"I have a way to save her, you back."

The woman walked step by step, panting... obviously it was a rush when I came.

"Achu, this person... do you know?" Gao Ran was a little dumbfounded.

Qin Chu looks at the woman's appearance and feels strange, but she feels that this temperament is very familiar.

I can't think of it for a while...

Everyone was glaring at God, only to see a woman take out a tiny decoder from the box and directly attached it to the bomb of Douding.

Then with the doctor who swiped the card, two drops... The countdown actually stopped.

The experts behind me looked awkward.

"I rub..." Gao Ran feels like dreaming.

"You are...?" Qin Chu has already guessed her identity, but ... this looks obvious again.

"You calm the baby first, I will save her."

After that, the woman turned and ran towards the direction of Huo Mian.

After the decoder unlocked this, the other stopped counting down.

When the two drops came, Huo Mian felt that the heartbeat had to stop.

Because she thought it was going to explode... so I closed my eyes tightly, thinking about the child and Qin Chu.

But after waiting for a long time, nothing happened...

When she opened her eyes again, she saw a strange woman wearing a black trench coat coming in.

Don't say anything, take out a small thing and stick it on her bomb, then lick it.

The bomb was removed...

"It's okay, you are safe..." The strange woman finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then some excitedly caught the neck of Huo Mian...

"You are...?" Huo Mian looked at the stranger in front of him a little confused.

"Sister... I am Luyan." Lu Yan whimpered and said this sentence.

Huo Mian is dumbfounded...

"Lu Yan? You are... Xiaoyan? I..." She couldn't believe it, thinking she was dreaming.

Since she knew that she had a younger sister named Lu Yan, she actually thought about it all the time, when she had the opportunity to reunite with her.

But listening to Qin Chu means that it is a big abnormality called Ian.

Lu Yan and his father could not have positive contact with her, so they were helpless.

Knowing the loved ones clearly, but they can't recognize each other.

Humien never imagined that at such a critical moment, land smoke would appear.

And promptly helped her lift the time bomb.

"Smoke... There is also a bomb on my daughter, she...?" Huo Mian reminded me of this panic.

"The child is safe, you can rest assured."

"That's good, then it's good..." Huo Mian completely relieved.

At this time, Qin Chu also rushed back.

"You wait here first, I am going to chase the woman in Vietnam... If she gets on the boat, it will be finished when she goes to the high seas... We want to catch her. It is very difficult." Gao Ran thinks, in addition to Huo Siyi, there are A woman named Qing Qing is the mastermind of this incident.

"You don't have to chase, I have already blown the boat." Lu smoke said faintly.

Gao Ran: ...

"Lu Yan, when did you arrive?" Although she was still tolerant, with an ordinary human skin mask, Qin Chu also recognized it.

"I received the news that the child was kidnapped. I am going to rush here. But the process is a bit cumbersome. I will open up the tails that chase me. I have to make it look like this ghost. When I am passing customs, I have to re-hid my whereabouts. Smoothing the fingerprints... so I lost some time, but I have time to..."

"Lu Yan? Who is Luyan?" Gao Ran's face is arrogant.

I don’t know what this woman said when she blows up the woman who cleared the boat.

"She is the sister of Xiaomian." Qin Chu introduced.

"Sister of Xiaomian?" Gao Ran is even more embarrassed.

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