My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2012: If you are in trouble, you will have a blessing (10)

"No, sister, I am not the first time to do this kind of thing, you should not worry." Lu Yan saw the worry of Huo Mian, suddenly felt warm in his heart, the feeling of having a sister care is so good.

"When will you finish the work?"

"The fastest three days."

"Then, where are you going to finish things?"

"Go back to Russia, after all... Joe is more secure on the other side." Lu Yan thought about it.

"Then you have to be careful."


"Right, I received a jade gourd before, worth the price..."

"That is what I sent, I also have one, ours is a pair." Lu Yan smiled.

Huo Mian suddenly understood, otherwise he was shocked by the inexplicable receipt of valuable gifts.

"You eat slowly... don't worry, don't indigest."

"Sister... Are you happy now?" Lu Yan sipped the noodles in the bowl.

Then put the bowl aside and seriously look at Huo Mian.

"Well, happiness... Although the process is convinced, but the result is what I want, in my life, there is actually no big ideal ambition... I want to be with Qin Chu, have children, and have a good life. So simple, and then if I have time, I still want to go back to be a doctor... Although I am busy in the Southern District, I am very hard, but I am very fulfilled. I enjoy the rhythm of life." Huo Mian recalled carefully.

"That's good... you are happy, the old man said yes... although our family separates these people, we want to admit it... but in exchange for your peaceful life these years, it is really worth it, if the mother knows , will be very happy." Lu Yan slightly moved.

"Small smoke... are you rarely with Dad?"

Huo Mian asked softly.

"Well, when I was a child, I knew that I was not the kind of child of ordinary people. The old man always hides in Tibet. It seems that someone always looks for him. He spends most of his time in the lab, and most of the time he flees with me... Mother's accident After that, my father and I were basically the escape of the whole world... In the process of fleeing, I learned a lot of skills to survive, and also learned to be like the old, graduated weapons or something, I am most interested in explosives... ...and later became more and more courageous, and those who dared to chase me were desperately... Later, when I saw that I could take care of myself, I simply went out and didn’t come back... I have been in Hong Kong for a few years. I still studied there, I liked a boy... But later, he was shot because of my tiredness..." Lu Yan said that he was understatement, but Huo Mian still felt that she was not shocked. Under the face, the fragile heart.

"Afterwards, I am a little bigger, I don't have to go to school, because I will watch those things. I will travel around the world. I like Italy and Turkey. Although it is dangerous and wary, it can make me rich... ...I like it in Dubai, I can spend money, brush the sense of existence... I can make me feel that I am still alive in this world... I later sneaked in the West Point Military Academy in the United States, and when I graduated, I killed an abuse. My instructor has become the number one wanted criminal of the FBI, huh, huh... Sister, are you not convinced? Do you think that I am talking about this, and your life is far away?" After all, Lu Yan smiled and looked at it. When I was sleeping, my eyes were filled with faint sadness.

"Small smoke... These years, I have worked hard..." Huo Mian got up and sighed with smoke, and his voice was sobbing.

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