My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2013: Do you believe in love at first sight? (One)

"Hey, hard work, I am used to it..." Lu Yan pretended to be indifferent, but Huo Mian was really hurting this sister.

At this time, the Luyan watch flashed, and she got up and watched with a vigilant look.

"What?? Say."

"Boss, after fifteen minutes, the helicopter landed on the hill of Nanshan Castle. Please prepare to leave."

"Roger that."

After decisively hanging up the phone, Lu smoke looked at Huo Mian.

"Sister, then I...go." In fact, Luyan is also somewhat reluctant.

"When can we meet?" Huo Mian asked.

"This... look at the opportunity, I will arrange it as soon as possible... Don't worry, I will keep an eye on your dynamics... I will also send people to protect you and the twins, you are at ease."


"Then I am gone..." Lu smoke opened the window directly and jumped out.

"Why don't you go to the main entrance? Don't you say hello to Pudding Douding?"

"No, watching two little guys will be more reluctant to go, sister, take care."

After that, Lu Yan jumped and jumped directly from the second floor and disappeared into the night.

Huo Mian only thinks that all this is like a dream...

Until the smoke disappeared for five minutes, Huo Mian reacted and then went downstairs to the empty bowl that had been eaten by the land.

"Have she gone?" Qin Chu asked.

Homonia nodded.

Because Qin Chu repeatedly confessed, so Gao Ran did not face the matter of mentioning Huo Mian and his sister.

When Huo Mian came down, everyone sat around and the kitchen prepared a lot of delicious dishes.

"Everything is said that there will be blessings in the end, and it will be a shock to our goddess Huo... and we will be shocked by our baby." Gao Ran took the initiative to raise the glass.

"Uncle Gao, I have something to say to you."

"You said, little pudding."

"When you catch people, do you see a stupid big man, called the sea..."

"The sea? I really didn't pay attention to this, what happened?" Gao looked curiously at the pudding.

"The man was originally a bad guy and participated in the kidnapping of us, but it was later rebelled by me... At the last critical juncture, and Aunt Huo Wei saved me and Doudin, I am worried that he will sell his partner. ask."

"This way, then you wait, I call and ask."

After that, Gao Ran immediately made a phone call to the game. After hanging up the phone, he said to the pudding, "I caught it, but the man was very hurt. He was operated in the hospital and was stunned by his acquaintance... but You can rest assured that there is no danger to life."

"Ah? Then I will go see him tomorrow. I promised him. Just let me and my sister let me give him a lot of money, and then help his mother who is seriously ill in bed." An opening.

"Oh, yes, I know that I talk about the conditions, you are pudding." Zhu Lingling petted the head of Pudding.

"Auntie Lingling, I am also very powerful. I led the pursuits and won precious time for my sister. I finally got a bomb with my mother. It’s really scaring the baby, but it’s a good baby. Big." Douding patted his chest and said.

Everyone was teased and laughed...

"Small sleep... This time the incident is really too dangerous, you will be more careful in the future..." Jiang Xiaowei looked at Huoming and advised.

Homonia nodded.

"Hey? Su Shuai, why have you not been talking? You haven’t talked to my mommy since you entered the house? Is it because my mommy lied to you and sneaked out of the hospital, are you still angry?" A small face looked at Su Yu and asked.

With such a question, everyone’s eyes immediately turned to Su Yu...

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