My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2020: Do you believe in love at first sight? (Eight)

"It doesn't hurt, the doctor said nothing, the ribs are broken, it's a small thing, you can pick it up... How are you? The child is not hurt?" Huo Wei asked nervously.

"No, we are all okay..." At this time, Huo Mian squatted down and touched the sweet head. "Baby, come, give to Auntie, Auntie Wei, your mother to eat, you should take a break."

Sweet dessert nodded, handed rice porridge to Huo Mian.

Huo Mian carefully feeds Huo Wei. "You are still weak and well raised. Don't think about anything else."

"Small sleep... Siyi him... How?" Although Huo knows that his brother has become a big bad guy, he is still worried about his situation.

Huo Mian took the hand of the rice porridge and paused. "He has been captured by the police and is waiting for the trial."

"Oh... he is really confused... How come this step, Xiaomian... You listen to me, in fact, Siyi was not like this, you know, although he is not reliable, his temper is not good. However, it is not so mad. This time, the reason for this is because the Vietnamese woman... really, the woman is very bad, it is simply a snake, and Si Yi has no idea, she listens to her. You must let the police catch her, she is the principal offender, and Si Yi is mostly an accomplice."

"I know, hey, it’s really the idea of ​​being clear and clear, Huo Shiyi...just used it by her, made a pawn..."

"Is the police caught her?" Huo asked anxiously.

"No, because she is dead."


"Well, she dropped Huo Siyi and fled the boat and went to the high seas. As a result, I didn't know how, the ship exploded. There is no bones."

"Really retribution... The vicious woman, died, and died." Huo Wei hated teeth.

"Oh... this time thanks to you, thank you for taking the risk of letting go of my daughter."

Huo Mian put down the bowl of rice porridge and held the hand of Huo Wei grateful.

"Don't say that... you were not thin to me before, I am not a white-eyed wolf, I don't want to do things without conscience... In fact, don't say that you have grace for me, even if Si Yi is catching someone else's child. I will let go of it... After all, I don’t want him to do this kind of devastating thing..."

After going through a lot of things, Huo Wei has already believed in the cause and effect cycle, and good and evil have been reported at the end.

So in this matter, I feel that I am not wrong.

"Then what are you going to do in the future?" Huo Mian asked.

"I don't know... I can't do anything like this now. After I have been injured and discharged from hospital in the past few days, I want to go to the prison to see Siyi... Then if I have the chance, I want to go to Vietnam to pick up my mom. ......"

"She should not dare to come back, after all... Huo Siqian is not dead." Huo Mian reminded.

"Hawsworth should not kill my mother. My brother has been arrested and will go to jail... This grudge should be over. I don't have a loved one now, only my mom is still in Vietnam... I don't want to She is in a foreign country... I want to find her."

Huo's voice is very small... But Huo Ming sees that she is actually very poor.

"Hey, you can feel peace of mind, sweetness should also go to kindergarten. When you are discharged from the hospital, I will send you a set of two-bedroom house under our GK. It is hardcover, you can move the child, then the child. I also arrange the school, and if you want, you can choose to come to work at GK, or... I am afraid to give you a sum of money to open a small shop for you, enough for you and your child to spend the day."

"Small sleep, don't, don't be so good to me, you don't owe me anything... I should save your daughter." Huo Wei was somewhat flattered.

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