My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2021: Do you believe in love at first sight? (nine)

"No, no one should do for whom... You are very grateful for the kindness of our mother and daughter... These are what you deserve, you are not doing well now, hold it, don't be polite to me, have What is the difficulty to tell me again... Although we are not sisters, but... I have known since I was a child, I really don’t want to see you wandering."

Huo Mian comforted...

Not waiting for Huo Wei to talk, Huo Mian said, "If you don't think for yourself, think about it for your child. The child is still young and you have to provide a good environment and atmosphere."

"Well, I understand that you are good for me. You have always been such a visionary... In short, thank you."

Huo Mian arranged all the way for her, and Huo Xin was very grateful.

At this time, a knock on the door came...

Huo Mian looked back and found that the person who came was actually Shen Mingxi.

"I came to see Huo Wei" Shen Mingxi holding a bouquet of lily of the heavens in his hand.

The sound is a bit cold, and he is also an ice cube that can be compared with Qin Chu and Rick.

It is said that the person with the best relationship with him turned out to be Su Yu, so the outside world really can't guess what the son of this son thinks?

"Oh, well... then you talk, I will go out first."

Before leaving, Huo Mian did not forget Huo Huo, "You can feel peace of mind, don't think too much, the child will take it away, I will live in my house first, and I will send it when you are discharged from the hospital, otherwise it will be too hard in the hospital."

"Well." Huo Wei once again gratefully glanced at Huo Mian.

Huo Mian picked up sweet from the ground. "Baby, go to the aunt's house and play with your sisters?"

"Auntie, is your family fun?"

"Of course, the aunt's family has a playground, there are two cute little sisters, there are many toys..." Huo Mian laughed.

"Really, okay, but my mother is still sick here." Little girl looked at Huo Wei with some confidence.

"Reassured, when the mother is sick, we will pick her up. You have lived in the aunt's house for the past few days, okay?"

"Sweet, go with the aunt, listen to the aunt." Huo's daughter.

In the end, Sweetie followed Huo Mian out of the ward...

Huo Yin took her hand and went to another ward to visit the patient.

Shen Mingxi put down the flowers, sat in the chair, looked at Huo Wei, his eyes were a bit complicated.

"You are still going, if you see it by Wei Ying, it is estimated that you have to misunderstand..." Huo Wei did not dare to look at Shen Mingxi's face.

This man, when she later married, had already had the thought of his infatuation.

"We and Wei Ying... have signed a divorce agreement." Shen Mingxi said as calmly as a statement.

After listening to Huo Wei, he stared at him with his eyes wide open.

"How...what?" Huo Wei couldn't believe this.

"It's true..." Shen Mingxi is still faint.

In the other side of the ward, when Huo Mian walked in, he saw the nursing worker changing the medicine for a man.

At the end of his injury, he was similar to Huo Siqian. He had several internal injuries and heard that there were lacerations in the spleen and stomach.

"Hello, may you ask... Mr. Sun Dahai?" Huo Yin walked in with a sweet hand.

"Who are you?" The man looked at Huo Mian some strange.

He is the person who is responsible for the peas and puddings under Huo Shiyi. He has never seen Huo Mian, so he is somewhat stunned.

"I am Huo Mian... It is the mother of twins. Should you know my pudding?" Huo Mian asked.

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