My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2022: Do you believe in love at first sight? (ten)

"Budding? Well... that little devil, I know." The sea laughed.

"Well, I will look at you on behalf of the pudding today. She will come over later..."

"Is the two children not injured?" asked the sea.

"No... they are very good, thank you."

"Don't thank me... Pudding said that your family is very rich, will give me a lot of money, and will treat my mother." The sea is a dead brain, remember the two things that the Pudding promised.

Huo Mian nodded. "Do not worry, you can feel peace of mind, I have already deposited it on your bank card for you, three million."

"Three hundred ... million?" The man was shocked.

"Yes, this money is enough for you to eat and drink for the rest of your life... and we also told the police that you will make a sin and will not let you go to jail... As for your mother, you don't have to worry, I have sent someone to pick her up. I am hospitalized in the Southern District. I will go to the Southern District to contact several brain surgeons to check her and then do surgery immediately..."

"It's really good..." The sea finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this step is really right, the money is there, and the mother’s illness has fallen. It seems that I believe that the pudding is true.

"You have to take good care of your injuries. These days, the guards will take care of you... What do you need to call me? This is my mobile number."

After sleeping with a business card, Huo Mian took the sweet hand and left...

Finally arrived at the door of the last ward, far away to see a lot of bodyguards at the door.

"Miss Huo..." No one in Huo Xiqian’s men seemed to know Huo Mian’s.

"how is he?"

"We Huo are very seriously injured, still in intensive care..."

"Can I go in and see?" Huo Mian asked.

"Wait, Miss Yan Ruoxuan is inside, I will call her out first, only one person at a time."

After that, the man opened the door to sue.

Yan Ruozheng is holding a water cup and using a straw to feed Huo Siqian to drink water. He is really hurt.

Severe bleeding in the lungs, if sent late, may have been a long-awaited death.

Only Huo Siqian is so strong that he can survive the abuse of Huo Siyi.

"Humble, you are drinking a few mouthfuls, the doctor said that drinking more water will restore your body..."

Yan Ruojun heard that Huo Siqian was almost dead. This guy was crying and tears, and then he took care of it.

However, Huo Siqian still does not appreciate.

"Take it, you go out."

"Boss... Miss Huo is coming." The person under the report reported.

When he heard that Huo Mian came, Huo Siqian immediately squinted, "Let her come in."

"Huo Mian is coming, are you very happy? I really don't know what you are proud of, are you because she will become this ghost? I have to go out and marry her." Yan Ruoxi came to Huomian, It’s also not a fight.

Not waiting for Hossein to speak, he ran out with anger.

As soon as I went out, I met Huo Mian face to face.

"Huo Mian, do you still want to abandon him not enough?" Yan Ruoxi pointed to Huo Mian.

"Miss Yan, what do you mean by this?"

"Don't mess with me. If it's not you, can you be so hurt? He almost died. Do you know? Do you still have a conscience?" Yan Ruoxi blamed Huo Mian with tears.

"Do you know the details of this time?" Huo Mian looked at Yan Ruoqi curiously.

"I don't need to know, I know that it must be because of you... or else with a modest mind, it will never be so negligently taken away, not because you were arrested, he was worried about going... You are really Kill him, now there is still a face?"

"I don't come, this thing... It doesn't matter to you, as far as I know... you are not who he is."

"You...?" Yan Ruoxi did not expect that Huo Mian was so hard and angry that he could not speak.

Huo Mian did not like the attitude of these princesses who were very arrogant, so she was also inferior to her face.

"Miss Huo, please, the boss let you in." The people under him came over and looked at Huo Mian with a polite attitude.

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