My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2023: Do you believe in love at first sight? (eleven)

"I don't want her to go..." Yan Ruoqi is no longer able to try to stop Huo Mian.

"Miss Yan, don't be embarrassed about us, this is what the boss means..."

In the end, Yan Ruo was so angry that he was helpless and looked at Huo Mian into the ward.

She sent the sweets to the obstetrics and gynaecology department of the First Hospital and gave it to the head nurse.

Then walked in and went to visit Huo Siqian. He was really miserable, with white bandages all over his body.

Huo Mian has seen his medical history and is really shocking.

I have to say that Huo Siyi is extremely cruel. It is really abusing that Huo Siqian almost died.

The whole body is up and down, dozens of wounds, large and small, the most serious two knives are at the base of the thigh.

Almost all of them hurt the leg artery. I heard that the spleen is also broken, and the lungs begin to bleed.

I have been undergoing major surgery, and I am still observing it. If it is not inflamed for 48 hours, it will be really out of danger.

"Small sleep... Are you here?" Huo Siqian looked at Huo Mian weakly.

"Well, let me see if you are dead?" Huo Mian said coldly and coldly.

"Oh, my mouth is hard... I know you are worried about me, so don't worry about seeing me."

"Not smug, who is worried about you." Huo Yin squinted.

"Does the twins not hurt?"

"No, they are very good."

"What about you? Where did you hurt?"

"I'm fine..." In addition to being beaten by Huo Siyi, Huo Mian was a little red and swollen, but nothing else.

"That's good." Huo Siqian breathed a sigh of relief.

"You... know that this time I almost died in Huo Siyi?" Huo Mian looked at him seriously.

"Know... the little hybrid is definitely hating me... I must want to put me to death..."

"Know that he will be like that to you, are you still here?"

"Because if I don't go, you will be miserable... because in both eyes, we are both enemies. If I don't go, he will smother the gas on you... If you are, you can't resist it. It’s hanging up now...” Huo Siqian said half-jokingly.

"But... is it worth it?" Huo Mian asked in a low voice.

She has not admitted that Huo Siqian loves her until now, so he does so hard to understand.

"Of course worth it... You know me for years, I am the kind of person who will make a loss?" Hehe." Huo Siqian smiled.

"And... if it wasn't for you, it is estimated that Qin Chu has already slaughtered me this time?" Huo Siqian tried to recall the scene, vaguely thinking that Qin Chu was angry with his collar and holding a knife to kill him, but But did not do this, must be because what Huo Mian said?

"My husband is not a murderer, someone like you... is it evil, or is it handed to the legal trial?" Huo Mian looked coldly at Huo Siqian.

"Come here..." Huo Siqian hooked his hook.

"What?" Huo Mian was vigilant to withdraw two steps.

"Stupid, come over, I won't be against you. You don't have to guard me. I am like this. What can you do? Hehe..." Huo Siqian shook his head and smiled helplessly.

Huo Siqian hesitated again and again, only slowly came over...

"You said, you are not obedient... I reminded you to be careful before, our enemies are back, but you are not listening..."

"You knew that Huo Shiyi was back at that time?" Huo Mian looked at him with surprise.

"Of course, otherwise, who do you think you are talking about?"

"It’s no wonder that I always felt that someone was following me. It seems that I was stared at..."

"Well, this time, Huo Shiyi came back. The reason why it was so powerful is not because his brain is agile, because the goods that are called Qing Qingqing, right, I heard that the woman’s ship was blown up? Is the person dead?" Huo Si Qian asked.

Homonia nodded...

"Who is it?" Huo Siqian asked the idea.

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