My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2026: Do you believe in love at first sight? (fourteen)

"How can it be, you are crazy..."

"I am not crazy... I just think that they are too intrusive, and it is bad for me again and again." When Jane thought of twins, she felt that she had no appetite for eating.

After the twins on the other side finished eating, Su Yu drove them back to Nanshan Castle.

When getting on the bus, the pudding deliberately pushed Qin Ning to sit on the co-pilot.

Qin Ning is also very embarrassing.

Su Yu sent them to the door, and because of temporary problems, they immediately drove away.

When I got off the bus, Pudding asked Qin Ning. "Small aunt, Su Shuai is not particularly good?"

"Fortunately... I don't know very well."

"It doesn't matter, this can be slowly understood." Doudou interjected.

"Please... my ancestors, I am coming back to see you, I have to worry about death, you know? Don't make fun of me... Don't say, I want to see my nephew."

Qin Ning said that he was walking in the big stepping meteor... He was anxious to see Huo Mian.

When Qin Chu came back from work, the family was chatting around the sky.

The arrival of Qin Ning made the original family more lively, and Huo Wei’s daughter was temporarily staying here.

Let the twins be happy because there is a little friend.

Early morning

After Qin Chu went to work, Huo Mian also drove out.

Inside a prison in the northern suburbs

Through Gao Li's contact, Huo Mian went to see Huo Siyi alone.

"Your conversation time is less than fifteen minutes, you take the time." The prison guard reminded.

Homonia nodded.

When Huo Shiyi was brought out, he was already shaved.

Dressed in the clothes of the labor reform, look pale.

After he looked up and saw Huo Mian, there were some accidents. It seemed that he did not expect Huo Mian to come to see her.

After the two sides sat down, they picked up the phone through the glass.

"You are not dead? So... Are you sacrificing your daughter?" Huo Shiyi smiled viciously and thought of the letter bomb he had installed. He was proud of it.

"I am sorry, I may have let you down. My daughter and I are still alive...we are not dead."

"This is impossible." Looking at Huo Mian's so calm face, Huo Siyi apparently did not believe it.

"I don't have to lie to you."

"The bomb, you can't solve it in a short time, it's impossible not to blow it up, there must always be someone who died..."

"Maybe I am so lucky, our bombs have been demolished successfully, oh, no, it should be a successful decoding."

"Who will help you? I don't believe..." Huo Siyi is obviously very excited.

"This is also a serious problem that I want to tell you... Huo Siqian, you keep saying that you hate me, saying that I have harmed you... harmed your home, but you know, I am at all with Huo Mian There is no relationship, there is no blood relationship, because I am not the daughter of Huo Zhenghai..."

"Impossible..." Huo Siyi seems to think that Huo Mian is making up stories.

"You love or believe it, I just stated the facts. I really saw him before Huo Zhenghai died, but he is not killing me... I don't know how he died, but I didn't force your family to die. You have treated me as an enemy, and I am almost dead with my daughter, so you pay the price... and... you know the woman you love, you are clear, what is she going to end?"

"What happened to Qing Qing?" Huo Siyi seemed to be nervous.

"You may not know, she was going to use yours... The ship she prepared and the people she met were arranged by myself. I lied to you that other countries are jealous of you. She still wants to go back to Vietnam. I think she is setting up a game with your gangster boss to deliberately use your hatred to swindle money... even if you can't be caught, you may be killed if you go back, so that woman... I don't like you to buy it at all. Just use you."

"You are nonsense, I don't believe, I don't believe that she is the kind of person..." Huo Shiyi.

"Prisoners pay attention to the emotions." The prison guards on the side warned.

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