My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2027: Do you believe in love at first sight? (fifteen)

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, but it doesn't matter now, because it is dead."

"Dead? No... Impossible, she is so smart, how can she die?"

"Maybe this is called a multi-line injustice, and when the flight is clear, the ship explodes... She has no bones... The money checks she cares about are grayed out... This time she is not going back. I have been to Vietnam, and you... can’t go back... Do you know? Your crimes are not sentenced to death, but at least for more than 20 years... The rest of your life will be spent in prison... When you come out later, it’s just an old man with a squandering year... Hossie, look at yourself, how stupid it is... I’m saying that Horsham is jealous of you, you really don’t live up to expectations.”

"How about me, don't use your tube..." Huo Siyi was emotional.

"You really think too much. As my enemy, you think I will take care of you. I can't wait for you to die right away... I just take a look at it. After all, you are her very few relatives... Although I used to be ridiculous in my past work, after going through these years, she changed and settled down. Now she will start living in the past, and you... there will be no such opportunity, so let it be."

After that, Huo Mian got up and went...

"Wait a minute...Hom sleep." Huo Shiyi suddenly shouted.

"what's up?"

"The mother bomb, who solved it?" Huo Siyi always thought that this bomb is the most perfect metamorphosis design.

He even thought that people like Huo Mian who loved children would definitely sacrifice their own for their children.

I did not expect that such a difficult bomb was actually cracked by people, and it was simply unacceptable.

"The person who developed it." Dropped these five words, and Huo Mian’s head did not return.

Leaving Huo Siyi's stupid squatting in the place... seems to be carefully pondering the meaning of Huo Mian.

After coming out of prison, Huo Mian drove to the Southern District.

They had a meeting with President Wu, and then they had several brain surgeons to prepare for the mother of the sea.

After a whole day, Huo Mian was exhausted.

When I got home, Qin Chu had already returned. Everyone was waiting in the living room to wait for Huo Mian to come back to dinner.

"Mummy is back..." Douding's eyes got up.

"Xunzi... You are not going to work now, how can you still make yourself so busy?" Qin Ning laughed.

"A lot of messy things."

"Wife, is the South District getting it?" Qin Chu is more concerned about when his wife will go back to be a doctor?

"Get it, President Wu said that I can go to work at any time, and I will give surgery to the mother of the sea tomorrow."

"Mummy, you are great..." Pudding gave a thumbs up.

"You are so embarrassed to say that it is not that you promised others..." Huo Mian laughed.

"I am not trying to keep my life, do you want to praise your niece's wit?" Pudding is proud.

"Yes, yes, you are the best, okay, ancestors, let's go eat, starve to death."

Huo Mian was hungry, and Li Shu immediately let the kitchen open.

A family surrounded the past, the hot, twins holding sweet hands, three people sitting next to each other, very love.

At this time, Qin Chu took a call.

It was Gao Ran.

On the phone, Gao Ran told Qin Chu an amazing news, Qin Chu listened, his face changed slightly.

Then I took a look at Huo Mian, not far away.

"What happened? Husband?" asked Huo Mian.

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