My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2298: The gathering of the gods (6)

"I didn't do anything. I thought it would be a few days later. Who knows that the more I feel the more hangover, the more I am going to Xiaoan..." Tang Chuan back.

"That... you said, will Su Yu really want to open... just..." Qin Ning actually didn't have a special understanding of Su Yu. He only knew that Su Yu had been in love with his family for several years, and he did not regret it.

So she guessed whether it would be because Su Yu had been secretly in love, and could not ask for it, so there was a change in her heart, so...

When Qin Ning’s words were exported, he did not wait for Huo Mian’s rebuttal. Qin Chu, who had never spoken, said, “No, he will not do it when he arrives...”

"Look, even Qin’s rival is the name of our Su Ge, Ningning, don’t you say okay? It’s the innocence of our Su...”

"I am going back to find someone to look up, and everyone is paying attention to the dynamics." Gao Ran summed up.

"Well, OK, then this topic will not be said. Listening is disgusting, eat, let's go." After that, Zhu Lingling got up and Huo Mian and Chen Jie began to continually continue to serve.

Finally, a table full of rich dishes came up, and a large Eight Immortal table was hard to squeeze.

"Wow...not to say, twelve? Is there all twenty?" asked Tang Chuan.

"It was originally twelve. As a result, Xiaojie came, and she was more virtuous than us... and I have done a few more. Everyone has a good fortune today... Xiaomian said that Xiaojie’s cooking is especially delicious."

"This proves that I am really delicious." Ni Yang laughed.

"Don't be smug in the low-key point... Do you know if you are low-key?" Chen Jie shyly pushed Ni Yang and looked a little embarrassed.

In this way, everyone began to eat around the table.

Huo Mian carefully pinched the dishes with a small plate and placed them on the coffee table on the other side.

Pudding, Bean Ding, Gao Boyuan and Wei Yunchu sat on the side of the coffee table and started another table.

"Have a good meal, don't quarrel, don't make trouble..." Huo Mian said that he still didn't feel relieved.

When she thought of her in the morning, she was so arrogant that she was so scared that Huo Mian would be embarrassed.

She does not know why, she and Qin Daren are so introverted, will give birth to such a mischievous child, and still a daughter?

"Know it, Mommy, rest assured..." Douding is a small adult, and promised there.

"I am the host, first mention a glass of wine, thank you for coming to my house to be a guest... I like this atmosphere very much, ha, we will gather often in the future." Gao Ran seems to be in a good mood.

"Come and come, do one..." Tang Chuan is extremely active.

A group of people started to eat, drink, and drink, and you said a word, the atmosphere is very good.

Even Rick, who rarely speaks, will be laughed at by everyone from time to time.

"Sister... why don't you eat?" Douding silently watched the pudding holding the phone.

"I am doing the rack."

"Dry frame? And who?" Douding looked awkward.

"And the black powder on Weibo... They are too good, they all went to Su Shuai Weibo to say that thing... Su Shuai would be very sad to see..." The pudding is obviously very unhappy.

Bean Ding came over and saw it, sure enough.

My sister and those black powder are very hot.

"Sister, this way... I propose, we will eat first, after I have enough, I will accompany them to do them... what?" Douding persuaded.

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