My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2299: The gathering of the gods (7)

"Yeah, pudding, you have to work hard to do other things first." Gao Boyuan is more embarrassed, he is the fattest one of the four children, the body is particularly strong, never picky eaters.

The mood of the pudding was rather depressed, but it was silently returned. "I have no appetite. You three will eat first."

Gao Boyuan will hold a rice bowl and say to Wei Yunchu in a low voice. "You don't persuade your wife?"

After that, Gao Boyuan still thought that Wei Yunchu could not turn his face.

Unexpectedly, he only had a slight red face, and then he sandwiched a piece of mushroom into the bowl of pudding.

"Small sleep aunt said, you like to eat mushrooms, this tastes very good, you taste." Wei Yunchu looked at the pudding.

"Thank you." Pudding picked up the chopsticks and put one in his mouth, then continued to brush Weibo.

Tang Chuan said that it is not wrong, this matter has indeed begun to spread on Weibo.

And I don't know which **** it was, but I also took a lot of photos of Su Yu and Xiao An.

Xiao An is a bodyguard, and he must follow Su Yu wherever he goes.

Some people started to use this to make a fuss and write directly - Su Yu is a metamorphosis, likes a male assistant, hey, ** spends disgusting...

The temper of pudding saw how he could suffer, especially the sacredness of Su Yu in her heart.

Directly replied, "If you can't talk, just shut up and be careful to damage your yin."

Su Yu went to the field on a business trip. There were more than three hours on the plane, and there was no boot. The pudding sent him a WeChat and he did not return.

In fact, Su Yu or else is rarely meager at ordinary times. It used to be because of Huo Mian’s play, so he only played.

The pudding brushed for a long time and finally saw a singer for Su Yu.

Nie Lingwei, who is the sister of Xixi.

She said on Weibo - please don't listen to the rumors, Su Yu is a boss worthy of our admiration, our star emperor always loves him, rumors stop at the wise, hope that this matter ends here, otherwise, our company must be held accountable responsibility.

After she finished, many actresses of the Emperor also began to follow suit and speak for Su Yu.

Pudding took the mobile phone and got up and walked to the side of Ni Yang. He quietly said, "Xiao Yan, say something to Su Shuai, hurry up, you are very popular."

"Good." Ni Yang smiled and touched the small head of the pudding.

Then took out the mobile phone and directly forwarded Nie Lingwei's Weibo.

"Su has always been bright and straight, and some people don't want to be born out of nothing, otherwise we will never tolerate it."

A short sentence, powerful, very consistent with Ni Yang's style.

After this sentence is finished, Ni Yang’s true love powder immediately jumped out and spoke for Su Yu.

The pudding still had no thoughts to eat, Gao Boyuan and Douding had finished eating and ran into the house to play hide and seek.

The pudding is still holding a mobile phone and looks very thoughtful.

Wei Yunchu, like his father, is not a person with a lot of words, so he wants to comfort and doesn't know what to say.

After watching it for a long time, he pulled out a lollipop from the bag and walked over.

"Pudding, give, eat a sugar first."

"I am not a bean diced, why are you giving me sugar..." Pudding asked.

"Because I feel that you are in a bad mood, Mommy said... I feel bad... I feel a bitter when I eat a sugar... It’s sweet, there’s nothing wrong with life...” Wei Yunchu carefully recalled what her mother said to herself. Then come to persuade the pudding.

"Nothing, I just look at the garbage and say Su Shuai, I feel bad in my heart." Buding said with dissatisfaction.

"Budding, do you really... like Su Shushu?" Wei Yunchu took the courage and asked.

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