My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2300: The gathering of the gods (8)

"Like, of course I like it. Since I was born, he is around... I will like him for a lifetime..."

Listening to the truth of the pudding confession, to tell the truth, Wei Yunchu is quite uncomfortable.

He is a little bigger than pudding and pudding, so the emotional intelligence and IQ are not low, and naturally understand a lot.

Although he is still a child, but he does not know why, he heard that Pudding said that he likes Uncle Su, he is still not happy.

"That... will you marry him later?"

Wei Yunchu whispered.

"What do you say?" The pudding thought he had got it wrong, so he asked again.

"I said... you like Su Shushu so much, will you marry him later?" Wei Yunchu asked again if he had some disappointment.

"Don't you be funny?" Pudding couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Wei Yunchu felt that when he asked such serious and serious questions, the pudding should not laugh.

"Where are you talking about? I like Su Shuai, but it is not that kind of love... It is a man and a woman to marry him. The husband and wife are not so good. I like Su Shuai because He is the best man for me and Doudou except Dad. Even Zhixin and Grandpa are not so I like him very much."

"What do you mean... Isn't Uncle Su like the elders?" Wei Yunchu had a bit of understanding.

The pudding nodded...

"It turned out to be like this..." He said to himself, sneaking his lips and laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Pudding looked at Wei Yunchu curiously.

"Nothing... you are hungry, will I give you some rice?"

"Not hungry... still don't want to eat..."

"That... we can go to the study room, I heard that there are many books in the uncle's house..." Wei Yunchu proposed.

"This is good... let's go." In the end, it was still a child. When Wei Yunchu invited it, the pudding immediately followed him to the study.

Tang Chuan looked at the four children to play, and deliberately ridiculed, "Big brother, big brother, someone wants to **** our twins..."

"Don't be a shame, who is your big brother, don't you tell me to tell you... Tang Xiaochuan, can you point your face?" Tang Chuan shouted Huo Mian and Qin Chuzi and his brother in front of so many people. Ning is very embarrassing.

"Is it wrong? It was originally..."

"Now is not..." Qin Ning corrected.

"It will be in the future, sooner or later..." Tang Chuan began to come up with the spirit of dead face.

Gao Ran looked at his son and Bean Ding and smiled. "My son is so good that he has forgotten the pain. He forgot to be scared by the peas in the morning."

"My wife, certainly will not avenge..." Zhu Lingling also followed the ridicule.

"You two are very strong... I dare to lick our peas... I told you, I am not scaring you, Beans sometimes get wild, but I can’t control it with Qin Datong... Don’t When something went wrong, the return is not good, but we will never return if we take the shot, ha." Huo Mian laughed.

"It doesn't matter, our family likes this personality..." Zhu Lingling laughed.

"It seems that our family's pudding is very suitable for our character at the beginning of the cloud. Both are introverted... Maybe they can really come together later, you said, husband?" Jiang Xiaowei finished, sweet The snuggle is spoiled on the shoulders of Wei Liao.

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