My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2301: The gathering of the gods (9)

"Well, I also agree with my wife's words... Pudding's IQ and Emotional Intelligence. If you come to our house, then our family business will definitely be more powerful than GK..." Wei Liao is also full of pride, it seems to be very close to this doll. Is satisfied.

"You really think too much... These are just the wishful thinking of our adults. If they grow up, they can still be so good. If one of them picks someone they like, we will be busy... "Highly reminded.

"Nothing, let it be, ha, it will be better. If they don't, they will be very good friends in the future..." Jiang Xiaowei thought very open.

"Right, when are you two married? Hurry and have a chance to come out and have fun..." Wei Liao looked at Tang Chuan and Qin Ning deliberately joking.

"Come, don't worry... look at the buddy."

"Roll... don't talk nonsense..." Qin Ning secretly slammed Tang Chuan's foot under the table.

"Hey, can my grandmother tap it? Murder the husband and wife..."

With this pair of live treasures, the atmosphere is particularly good.

Huo Mian suddenly remembered the young couple next to him. "When are you going to have a baby? When you are young, you can come out with a gentleman, and then raise your body again..."

"Well, we think so too..." Chen Jie nodded shyly.

"Rick, what about you? When do you have good news?" Tang Chuan asked Rick.

Sidney was embarrassed to get up, and he got up. "That, I will go to the bathroom first..."

"What are you running? Really... Is it thinner than our Ningning skin?" Tang Chuan teased.

"I and Xixi... The wedding thing will not be considered first, and I will wait until the urgent matter is finished." Rick answered a serious question.

Everyone continued to raise their glasses while eating and drinking. Huo Mian got up and got up. "I also go to a bathroom. You should drink first."

When Huo Mian came to the bathroom, Xixi was re-coating her long hair.

"Little Sleeping Sister..." Seeing Huo Mian, Xixi is exposed to a bright danger.

"How is the wound recovered?" asked Huo Mian.

"Very good, I can't feel any pain... Even if I press it gently, it doesn't matter... I am young, so recovery will definitely be very fast, don't worry about me."

Huo Mian nodded. "Is Rick saying that I want to take you to the United States?"

Xixi smiled sweetly, "Well, I said."

"Do you have any idea?"

"I... I naturally want to follow him. To be honest, I haven't been with him for a few years. I have been with a lonely ghost. Yes, Xiaomian sister, I am not afraid of your jokes. I am really especially special about Eric. I don't want to be separated from him"

"I understand, then your family, agree to go abroad?"

"My family is used to being abroad. My sister doesn't agree very much. I am afraid that I am not familiar with it... I have persuaded me, but my temper knows that I am willing to do anything for love. I can't even kill, maybe you will think that I am very disappointing, but I am such a person..." When Sisi said these words, he was quite unfounded.

I dare not look up at the eyes of Huo Mian...

"Western, don't be nervous, I am not blaming you, nor laughing at you... I am just worried about your safety. You should know what Rick is doing?"

"I know, he told me."

"Well, then you should know more about the legality of the guns in the United States. How dangerous is it?" Huo Mian asked.

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