My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2304: The gathering of the gods (12)

"Sleeping will drink."

When Jiang Xiaowei’s voice just fell, Huo Mian immediately responded, “No sleep, no drinking.”

"So who will drink?" asked Jiang Xiaowei.

"Kawagawa will drink."

"Chuanchuan will not drink." Tang Chuan played very lightly.

"So who will drink?" Huo Mian asked.

"Liaoliao will drink." Tang Chuan pointed the gun at Wei Liao.

"Liao and Liao will not drink." Wei Liao said slowly.

"Ha ha ha, wrong, wrong, Wei Ye is a fine wine..." Tang Chuan is happy to jump.

"Where is it wrong?" Wei Liao himself was also circled.

"You have one more word, you said... Liao Liao will not drink, haha, no word." Tang Chuan pointed out the mistake.

Wei Liao: ...

"Husband, you said, you owe it? People say that they won't drink, you don't add a word..." Jiang Xiaowei also caught chicken for Wei Liao's IQ.

"I, I, my... wrong, wrong, ha..."

Wei Liao was so happy that he didn't say anything, and took the wine glass and dried it.

“Liao Liao invites Yangyang to drink...”

Wei Liao saw Ni Yang who had never spoken.

"Yangyang will not drink."

"So who will drink?"

"Liri will drink..." Ni Yang's cute little eyes glanced at Rick.

Likick realized that he was the one in his mouth, and he couldn’t find the name of the dog’s blood.

Responding, "There will be no drinking in the middle..."

"So who will drink?"

"Sleep will drink." Rick threw the hydrangea to Huoming.

"Sleep sleep will not drink." Huo Mian is also a face of grievances.

"So who will drink?" Rick asked in extremely standard Chinese.

"Western will drink..." Huo Mian directly used the revenge of Rick's move on the West.

Xixi is still sitting on a smirk, and has not reacted for a while.

After waiting for three seconds, watching everyone look at her, she suddenly realized...

"Ci Xi, what do you want to do? What is your name?" Jiang Xiaowei smiled and reminded.

"Oh... I am still watching the fun here... Hahaha, I didn't expect it to be my turn so fast..." Cassie smirked.

"Drink and drink..." Tang Chuan is still the one who is forcing people to drink.

Not waiting for the West to talk, Rick immediately mentioned the glass of the West, and killed it in front of everyone.

Then I explained to everyone, "There is a wound in the body of Xixi. If you just leave the hospital, you can't drink alcohol. I will drink for her. We forgive me."

"Hey, China's good husband..." Zhu Lingling smirked.

"Not a husband..." Xixi shyly bowed his head.

"That is a good boyfriend in China..." Zhu Lingling corrected.

In this way, everyone's atmosphere was directly picked up, a seemingly simple and popular game.

It's not easy to play, because it's very fast, especially after drinking a few glasses of wine, it can't keep up with the rhythm.

Therefore, everyone’s mistakes are more and more, and the more they drink, the more they drink. Even the geniuses of Qin Chu and Huo Mian are not spared. Since the birth of twins, Huo Mian has not drunk so much for a long time. ... This time, I really let go of it.

It’s a great pleasure for adults to play there...

Pudding and Wei Yunchu sat on the side and watched for a long time.

Pudding calmly glanced and said, "It’s so boring... Are they really adults? The game is so naive, it makes me speechless... and I didn’t expect that my cold squat and the wit The mommy also plays a special look... This game is really magical... Wei Yunchu, what do you think?"

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