My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2305: The gathering of the gods (13)

"I also think... but I didn't expect them to be so happy to play... especially my mother, that's the kind, I really saw it for the first time..." Wei Yunchu looked at Jiang Xiaowei, who was smirking, almost Unbelievable, is that really a normal, very cold and calm mother?

"So...the big people sometimes look old, but they are very childish in their behavior... The relationship between parents and children has been difficult to deal with, and there are contradictions, mostly because neither side is sensible. Children are too small, and they are not sensible. Normally, adults are too childish and become ignorant. Some can’t say it...”

"Your logic of thinking is really... against the sky, I heard it for the first time." Wei Yunchu looked at the pudding with eyes full of worship.

At this time, the pudding phone rang.

"Su Shuai..." Pick up the video call and the pudding smiled sweetly.

"I am here, pudding..."

"So fast... is it cold or cold?"

"Not cold, the temperature here is just right, what are you doing?" Su Yu looked at the pudding.

"I chatted with Wei Yunchu."

"What about 豆丁?"

"She is eating far from Gao Bo..." pointed to the room over there, and the pudding replied.

"Amount... Then you remind Gao Boyuan, if you continue to mix with Bean Ding, the body will become fat into pigs in the morning and evening..." Su Yu is joking.

"Ha ha ha, Su Shushu, you are humorous." Wei Yunchu smiled at the side.

"I don't want to remind you, it reminds me that it is useless... Doudou is always using Gaobo to use beauty... You know..." After that, the pudding also gave the eye to Su Yu, and you know how to look.

Su Yu’s hearty smile...

Then continue to ask, "What about them? Haven't finished drinking yet?"

"Not yet, I think the climax is just beginning... Show you the scene." After that, the pudding pointed the camera at the direction of the living room.

Su Yu, through the mobile phone camera, looked at the other side and had a special drink.

Tang Chuan was only left with a tight-fitting suit. Jiang Xiaowei and Huo Mian’s cheeks blushing together, seemingly talking about the whispers of girlfriends.

Zhu Lingling is screaming at her shoulders and screaming at her husband.

Qin Chu is good, and he took out his mobile phone and watched the company's dynamics.

Even the most honest Ni Yang and Chen Jie have started to avoid me and kiss me.

"This... this is to rebel..." Su Yu exclaimed.

"Yes, they are estimated to be in the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun..." Pudding added.

"I regret that I didn't attend this party. I really want to see their drunkenness..." Su Yu laughed.

"It doesn't matter, I will secretly record the video for you..." Pudding said in a low voice.

"Well, I want to keep it. When I come out, I will black them all the time, haha." Su Yu smiled proudly.

After hanging up the phone, Wei Yunchu looked at the pudding with some vinegar. "You are so good to Uncle Su."

"Uncle Su is also very good to us..." Pudding did not agree.

"That... If you marry later, you are better for your husband, or better for Uncle Su..." Wei Yunchu began to entangle.

"I don't answer this question because I am still young and I don't have a husband yet... so your assumptions don't hold." Wei Yunchu, who was stunned by the pudding, also had no words.

On the other hand, Douding has already eaten Gaoboyuan's delicious food, and only has one bag left.

"Bo Yuan, I am a little thirsty..." Douding is spoiled.

"I have juice, carbonated drinks, milk, and lemon tea in my refrigerator... What kind of drink do you drink?" Gao Bo is far from the peasant.

"What kind of drink do you think?" Douding pouted and began to sell Meng.

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