My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2306: The gathering of the gods (14)

"I like to drink carbonated drinks, but my mom said that it is not good to drink too much, it will cause calcium loss... so let me drink more..." Gao Boyuan answered with a serious question.

"This way... well, then give me a can of milk." Douding command.

"Good Le, I will go get it." After that, Gao Boyuan sprinted and ran to the refrigerator.

Because of the short stature, I can't get the milk on the refrigerator.

So he immediately asked for help, "Dad, come over..."

"What's the matter?" Gao Ran's righteousness, listening to his son's call, is really impatient.

"Give me two cans of milk..."

Gao Ran said that he got up and walked over, opened the refrigerator and took out four cans directly.

"Bad boy, don't look at yourself and your wife, but also think about your big sister..." Pointing at the pudding, Gao said funnyly.

Gao Bo far blushes, holding four cans of milk, first to Wei Yun and two cans of pudding.

The remaining two cans were taken directly into the room and shared with the pudding.

A wine-making game, let everyone drink it all...

As a result, there are the following scenarios.

The first pair, Huo Mian and a koala bear, holding Qin Chu neck.

"Husband... You said that I am good or not?"

"Good-looking" Qin Daren looked at his wife gently.

"Then I look good, or do you look good?" Huo Mian continued to be willful.

"You look good, you look better than me." Qin Daren said that this must be true, because the lover in the eyes of Shih Tzu.

"Then I look good, or is the pudding and the peas look good?" Huo Mian continued to compare with his relatives and prostitutes.

"You look good, you are the best in the world." Qin Daren directly capped.

"Haha, brother, you have turned yourself into a mirror..." Qin Ning grinned at the side.

"Husband, if you chat like this, I will be very happy..." I got the praise of Qin Daren, and Xiaomian smiled with a small blush.

This is an implicit type. Although it is drunk, it is still rational.

The second pair, Jiang Xiaowei directly rolled up his sleeves and called Tang Chuan.

"Come on, hurt each other..." Jiang Xiaowei carried a full glass of wine and then dried it.

Count this cup, this is the third cup.

Just Tangchuan released a rhetoric, to fight with Jiang Xiaowei, to compete for the title of Dionysus.

Then look at Jiang Xiaowei is a woman's face, she has a drink, Tang Chuan will drink two cups.

As a result, Jiang Xiaowei was particularly strong and directly ran three cups in a row.

In other words, Tang Chuan is faced with drinking six cups...

"You can't do it? Don't you, if you are embarrassed, you will lose your nephew. If you have a good attitude, you don't have to drink it. You can get it directly..." Wei Liao smiled at the toothpick.

"Jokes, you know me these years, when did you see the little master? Then again, my woman is still there today, the man and the man can not lose this face..."

"Who is your woman, shameless..." Qin Ning is still awake because he drinks less, but also knows to talk with Tang Chuan.

Tang Chuan is also a heroic, and has directly dried up six cups.

Speaking, these six glasses of beer are really dizzy.

After all, I drank so much before, and now I can't stand it.

He thought that this is almost the same.

But I know, after Jiang Xiaowei saw him finish, he filled himself up again.

Then it was three cups in a row...

Everyone in the audience was stunned...

"Slightly good ... than I am a woman." Zhu Lingling applauded.

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