My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2322: Demon invasion (10)

"Do you not know it yourself? Don't blame others for saying that it is to change to someone else's son. I will think too much... Xiao Yu, your grandfather and dad's life is innocent, you are here, but you can't Make trouble."

"Mom, I am not gay, who do I like, don't you all know? I don't like women..." Su Yu is also a grievance.

Even if others doubt it, now the mother is worried.

"I know that you are not gay, but you think about a woman who doesn't belong to you. I see... there is no difference with homosexuality..." Mrs. Su sighed slightly.

"Well, I have a lot of things in this matter. I will go back and check to see where the rumors flow out, so that they can stop..."

"You can only stop this problem for a while, and you can't solve the problem fundamentally... Someone will say it later."

"But the days are their own, and they are not for others to see. Mom, think about it, if you live to show it to others, how tired it is..." Su Yu patiently persuaded her mother to be relieved.

"Son, Mom will ask you, you intend... When is it going to be? Is it a bystander, watching Xiaomian's family happy, and then single for a lifetime?" Mrs. Su looked at her son with distress.

"No, if I haven't met the right thing, I can wait for the pudding and the pudding to grow up, and come back, it is also a good achievement." Su Yu deliberately joked.

"You will be angry with me..." Mrs. Su's face was black.

"Okay, okay, don't tease you... Mom, actually, don't worry about this thing. I think... the fate thing is to force it, let it be, let me meet one later. The woman, then she will be married, maybe it’s a matter of love. It’s just that there is no reason for love. It’s like I didn’t know that I would be so in love with Xiaomian...”

"If that's the case, then it's natural. Don't say that you are getting married now. If you get married, I will agree with both hands."

"You are greedy, but you want to hug your grandson directly. Your old lady is not too young." Su Yu held her mother's face and deliberately teased her.

"Go and go, don't make trouble, go quickly and go..." Mrs. Su looked at her child, really angry and funny.

"Okay, then I am gone. You have not had a good sleep recently. Just take a break early... After a while, I will take you to the hot spring to raise your body..." Su Yu finished, turned and went away.

Mrs. Su looked at her son’s back, and suddenly her eyes were wet...

Vaguely thinking about the scenes of Su Yu's childhood, people lived in the grass and autumn, in fact, time is the most ruthless thing.

Mrs. Su did not know how these years had passed so quickly. In a blink of an eye, the son had already stood thirty.

People of the same age have become home, and the son of Wei Liao, who has the best relationship with Su Yu, is a few years old.

Although Tang Chuan is ridiculous, but the woman has not broken her, Tang parents have not been so worried.

Only Su Yu was still alone, and Mrs. Su thought about it and fell into tears.

"Little Yu Ma, what's wrong with you?" Su Yu Dad saw his wife never went back to the room to sleep, and went downstairs to find.

Seeing Ms. Su standing alone in the living room, watching her son leave the back alone hurts.

"I'm fine..." Mrs. Su's voice was a little choked.

"I still said nothing, my eyes are red... What's wrong? Good end, how are you still crying?" Although Su's temper is not very good, his old son is harsh and harsh, but he is very good to his wife. The couple have been respectful for these years.

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