My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2323: Demon invasion (11)

"Xiao Yu Da, you said ... will your son really want to play a bachelor for a lifetime..." Mrs. Su asked her head and leaned on her husband's shoulder and asked.

"No, he is only more than 30 points. Many people are only 40 years old to get married. You should know the entertainment news. The directors and actors of the entertainment circles are all married late. Xiao Yu is estimated to be affected by that. Let's influence, let's not worry."

"I am afraid, wait a few decades, we are all old... We are not there, Xiao Yu alone in this world, without a wife and children, that should be more..."

"No, don't think about it..." Su Dad has always comforted his wife.

Su Yu actually didn’t know that his current situation not only made Huo Mian sad, but also made the Su family feel bad.

He felt that the days were no different.

Especially after having twins, it is a lot more fun.

When Su Yu went back, she took a shower and saw the video from Douding.

"So late, you still don't sleep?" Su Yu looked at the bean diced.

"I can't sleep..." Bean Ding's milk echoed back.

"Why? You were bullied by your sister?" Su Yu asked.

Pudding and Bean Ding are often in conflict, but every time they quarrel, they are all puddings.

So after being wronged, Douding always complained with Su Yu.

"No, my sister is not thinking about me now, just looking at her stock market... I have to be konjac..."

After the Bean Ding finished, Su Yu couldn’t help but sigh.

"What about you? Do you have any hobbies recently?" Su Yu deliberately teased her.

Douding carefully thought for a long time, and returned a sentence, "Is it a hobby to play Gaobo Yuan?"

"Count." Su Yu said with a hearty smile.

"Why are you so laughing?" Douding asked with a face.

"You, little age, you know that you are bullying, but fortunately, you are not allowed to go to kindergarten, or you can't go to heaven..."

"Well, let's go to kindergarten, we will suffocate, we have no common topics with those children, there will be a generation gap..." Douding said a serious.

"Miss Qin Yu, you are right." Su Yu said to the face of Doudou, complimented.

"In this case, then I ask you a question..."

"Besides asking me, who you and pudding are more beautiful, you can ask anything else." Su Yu also learned to be smart, and directly ruled out the most terrible problems.

"Amount... Well, then you said, me and my mommy, who is more beautiful?" Douding took the opportunity to change the sister who was supposed to say to Mummy.

"That must be beautiful for you..." Su Yu answered.

"What?" Douding continues to ask.

"It's very simple, because you are younger than her, she is almost thirty years old, you are only four years old... twenty years later, you are in good shape, she is already an old lady, when she is full of frowns, mouthful The dentures are also violent in menopause, and it is terrible to think about it..." Su Yubian said and laughed.

However, he found that the Bean Ding looks a little bit wrong.

Just asking what happened to the pudding, I listened to Doudou and shouted. "Mummy, how come you?"

Su Yu suddenly felt that the five thunders ......

Huo Mian walked in, wearing a long cotton skirt and long hair falling behind her back.

She did not say a word, went to the front of the mobile phone camera, first looked at Su Yu, then hands around the chest, smiled and looked at Su Yu asked, "Old lady? Wrinkled face? Full mouth dentures? Menopause violent?"

Huo Mian’s smile made Su Yu, who was across the video, look at her hair...

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