My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2326: Demon invasion (fourteen)

"When are you going back to the United States?" Qin Chu faintly swept her and asked.

"You are going to drive me away?" Qin Ning flatted his mouth.

Huo Mian looked at the conversation between the two brothers and sisters and couldn't help but smile.

"You don't call me, you know what I mean, your dad has called me, you don't go back, he is coming..."

"Ah? Really fake?" Qin Ning immediately put down half of the sandwiches in his hands.

"When did I fool you?"

"That... what about that?"

"Or else I will book a ticket for you, you should go back and see it. The headquarters is also very busy..." Qin Chu said.

Qin Ning seems to be somewhat embarrassed and has not spoken.

Huo Mian took a look at Qin Chu and looked at Qin Ning again. "Ning Ning, are you in love with Tang Chuan now?"

"Xunzi, I..." Qin Ning actually wanted to admit it, but he was too embarrassed to say it.

"It doesn't matter, you are an adult, it's not a shameful thing."

"Well, we have two formal contacts..." Qin Ning lowered his head and his cheeks were reddish.

"Then you thought about it, what should I do in the future? Are you planning to go back? How do you tell your dad?" Huo Mian asked for her husband.

"My dad's side... He always thought about letting Tang Xiaochuan be a female son-in-law. I think this is not fair to him... I don't want that." Qin Ning is actually tangled.

"You don't worry about this matter. If you think that you and Tang Chuan can come together, my brother and I will help you." Huo Mian comforted Qin Ning.

"Thank you for your nephew..." Qin Ning gratefully glanced at Huo Mian.

"Husband...I don't want to force Ningning first, but she is also very embarrassed. When the second uncle is on the phone, we will help you to get some points and let her and Tang Chuan have more opportunities to get along and know. What should I do?"

"That can't be delayed for a long time..." Qin Chu did not agree with his wife's opinion.

"Brother, scorpion, don't say anything, I will call my dad in a moment, I will tell her personally."

"Well, you play the best yourself, but your father's temper, you don't think too optimistic." Qin Chu told his sister.

After breakfast, Qin Chu and Huo Mian both went out to the parking lot.

"Husband, you said that in the morning, you will add to Ningning, is it really good? I think she and Tang Chuan are in love."

"I am not adding, I am going to give her a vaccination... I can't be old and unrealistic, and if Tang Chuan really cares, maybe she wants to make some concessions..." Qin Chu analyzed.

Huo Mian nodded and felt right. After all, Tang Chuan seemed to like Qin Ning.

"I will send you to the Southern District..." Qin Chu took the hand of Huo Mian, affectionate.

"No, usually you send someone to protect me, don't have to send it in person, I am not a child..." Huo Mian laughed.

"I recently felt uneasy in my heart... I don't know what happened?" Qin Chu frowned slightly.

"Where is it uncomfortable?" Humami glanced, worried.

Qin Chu shook his head.

"No, it is a kind of unpredictable feeling in my heart, so I am very worried about you. I will send someone to protect you. You should be careful, and don't make contact with Huo Siqian." Qin Chu was alert. Admonish Hung Mian.

"Well, I know." Homonia nodded.

"Pudding and Bean Ding, I will also limit the number of times they go out. I have to be vigilant recently. My instincts have been very accurate. I don't want anyone else to have an accident at home." Qin Chu added.

"So serious?" Huo Mian also felt that her husband was too big and too big, too nervous for her and her children.

Indonesian capital, Jakarta.

"Adult, the plane is ready, it can take off in fifteen minutes. Do we have to inform Mr. Huo to pick up the plane in advance?"

"No, I want to give him a surprise." After that, Ian raised his mouth in a strange way.

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