My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2327: Demon invasion (fifteen)

At 6:30 in the evening, a luxury mall

"Uncle Shen, I am a little hungry... I want to eat fruit pizza." The sweet milk was so sultry.

Shen Mingxi took her little hand and loved it to the extreme.

"Hey, we are here for a while, Mommy, she went to the bathroom, and she will be back soon. When she comes back, let's go, okay?"

"Good." Little sweet nodded cleverly.

Others do not know that this is a pair of father and daughter, although the man looks very young, but the child's eyes are clearly the father's favorite of his daughter.

Not far away, two women are shopping and seeing behind this scene.

One of the women pulled another woman.

"Ying Ying, look at it, who is that?"

Wei Ying was reminded by her companion that the face turned up and the face changed greatly.

Although she has been divorced for several months, but seeing Shen Mingxi, Wei Ying is still feeling like the heart of the river.

"Ying Ying, the little girl he led, is the daughter of Huo Wei's stock?" The girlfriend bit his teeth.

"Yes." Wei Ying had investigated the situation of Huo Wei before, so she had seen the child many times.

I can recognize it at a glance, that is the child of Huo Wei.

"But... why Shen Shao is so good to that child... I suddenly have a bold guess... The child will be Huo Wei and Shen Shaosheng, but you have been kept in the dark..."

Wei Ying ironed his face and shook his head.

"Impossible, if the child is his, Shen has already acted..."

"That's weird, not your own child, why are you so good to her..." The woman next to me couldn't figure it out.

Wei Ying looked at the big and small ones not far away, and her heart was sour and very unwilling.

"Ying Ying, let's go..." My girlfriend knows that Wei Ying has never been able to let her ex-husband, so she does not want to continue to stimulate her.

However, Wei Ying walked over to the other side of the meteor.

"Hey... Yingying, what are you doing?" The girlfriend followed Wei Ying.

"Shen Gongzi... I haven't seen you for a long time..." Wei Yingqiang pretended to be calm and generous and greeted Shen Mingxi.

Shen Mingxi looked up and saw Wei Ying, his eyes from the warmth of the moment, immediately became cold.

The kind of disgust that comes out can be seen by others at a glance.

“Is there something?” Shen Mingxi’s indifference is unparalleled.

In this world, I am afraid that only Rick and Qin Chu are the people who are colder than him.

"How? If you have nothing, you can't say hello? After all, it used to be a husband and wife... It's not an enemy now..." Wei Ying looked at him with a smile.

"Shu Shushu... I am afraid..." Dessert because she had seen Wei Ying looking for Huo Wei several times before.

Therefore, Wei Ying had a shadow in her heart, and when she saw her, she was scared to retreat.

"Hey, sweet is not afraid, Shen Shushu is." Shen Mingxi patiently appease the little girl.

"Hey... Shen Gongzi is really lucky recently, buy one get one free... Don't be pregnant, do you like it directly? Congratulations... But after that, it's not good, it's not good, and the most important thing is Helping others raise their children, waste time and money, don't say it. After growing up, maybe it's a white-eyed wolf. When people go back to find relatives, you are nothing... When you regret it, you can really open it. Not enough, I am kindly reminding you." Wei Ying has always been very vicious.

After the words were finished, Shen Mingxi’s face was dark at the time...

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