My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2331: Demon invasion (19)


"Then why are you doing this expression?"

"I..." Huo Wei wanted to say something, but could not say it. In short, her mood was complicated at this moment.

"What's wrong?" It is obvious that Huo Wei's mood is not quite right, Shen Mingxi looked at her worriedly.

"No, nothing, eat it..." Huo Xiao smiled, bowed his head and continued to eat.

When he returned to his residence in the evening, Shen Mingxi drove out with his assistant because of the company’s problems.

After Huo Wei took a sweet shower, she took her to bed and rested. It might be tired, and Xiaotian didn’t sleep for a while.

Huo Wei picked up the phone and suddenly wanted to send a message to Huo Mian.

Since Ni Yang’s wedding hastily, I haven’t contacted Huo Mian.

Speaking of it, Huo Mian is good for himself. Although Huo Shiyi died in prison, Huo Wei was still wise, and did not count this account on Huoming’s head.

Huo Wei has now got rid of poverty and is living with Shen Mingxi, but his heart is still empty.

Because she found herself without friends and no relatives.

My brother is tragically dead, my mother is not missing, and my relatives and friends are not talking to her. I am afraid of being implicated.

Now that she has turned over again, she still feels lonely and wants to come. Huo Mian is actually her only relative and friend in this world.

Open WeChat, just want to talk to Huo Mian, I saw a new friend below to add myself.

Huo Wei curiously opened it, the nickname shown above - 殇 snow.

The avatar is the head of the big star Mo Xueer.

She hesitated for a moment, passed the verification, and waited for her to ask, the other party began to send WeChat.

殇雪: Howard?

Huo Wei: Right.

Wu Xue: I am Mo Xueer.

Huo Wei: That female star?

殇 Snow: Right.

Huo Wei: Is there something?

Huo Wei knows that Mo Xueer has always been arrogant, and he has nothing to do with the Three Treasures. He will not add her WeChat for no reason.

殇雪: Is the tone still not small? Ha ha.

Huo Wei: So what are you looking for?

殇雪: Come out and talk, I really have something important to look for.

Huo Wei: Now?

Snow? how? Inconvenient, afraid that Shen Mingxi does not agree?

Huo Wei slightly frowns: It doesn't matter to him. I am the only one at home. My daughter is asleep, it is not convenient.

殇雪: Then I am going to find you, I drove past to your house downstairs, you come down, we can say a few words.

Huo Wei: If you don't change your day, nothing will be so anxious.

Obviously, Huo Wei is not willing to see Mo Xueer, because she is now smart, knowing that Mo Xueer is not a good character, and is similar to the dead Song Yi poetry, so I don't want to marry this drowning.

Wu Xue: If I said that it is related to your revenge, are you interested?

Huo Wei: What do you say...what?

殇雪: Address me, come down and talk, it won't delay you for a long time.

Huo Wei heard the words of revenge, considered for a few seconds, and then sent the cell address to Mo Xueer.

Thirty minutes later, Mo Xueer sent WeChat again.

殇雪: I went downstairs, red Porsche, license plate number 2212

Huo Wei: Ok, I am going downstairs now.

Huo Wei did not change in her home clothes. She only wore a long black cotton jacket and went all the way to her feet.

Then gently open the door and go downstairs.

Sure enough, the red Porsche was parked downstairs and the license plate number was indeed 2212.

Huo Wei slowly walked over, Mo Xueer actively opened the door.

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