My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2332: Demon invasion (20)

"Come up." Mo Xueer pointed to the co-pilot.

Huo Wei did not speak, opened the door and sat in it.

Mo Xueer has a large makeup, wearing gray fur, and the style of dressing is as high as ever.

"Say it." Huo Wei was not enthusiastic.

"I know why you suddenly climbed Shen Mingxi, because you want to use him to help you revenge, right?" Mo Xueer asked with a mysterious smile.

Huo Wei smiled lightly. "Miss Mo, we are not familiar. Don't say that you know me well."

"I am really unfamiliar, so I spent a lot of time investigating you."

"Investigate me? Hehe... I really can afford to see me. My small people are worthy of your big star investigation. It is really aggrieved to you..."

"Of course I will not do this for no reason. I don't always make a loss."

"So, what do you want from me?" Huo asked.

Mo Xueer took out a box of cigarettes without hesitation, then took a look at Huo.

"Is it?"

"I won't." Huo Wei refused.

"Then I smoke one, do you mind?" Mo Xueer smiled.

"Whatever..." Huo's reaction is still cold.

After Mo Xueer ignited, he took a deep breath.

Then I slowly said, "I want you to join me and deal with one person, of course, that person is also your enemy."

"You are talking about Hum sleep?" Huo Xiao smiled.

Because she knew that Mo Xueer hated Huo Mian, so she guessed that Mo Xueer’s person might be Huo Mian.

"No, although I hate Huo Mian, but I haven't reached the point where I have to deal with her... and I can't deal with Huomian with my present day and today, I still have self-knowledge."

"Not a sleep, that is...?" Huo Wei looked at her with a puzzled look.


After Mo Xueer finished these three words, Huo Wei gave a slight glimpse.

"Horschon? You are not always with him..." Huo Wei did not say the following.

But when the things of Huo Siqian and Mo Xueer were soaring, everyone knew it.

Even when Huo Huo’s father was alive, Huo Siqian took her to the Huo family for dinner.

"Do you want to ask, I don't love him very much, why should I deal with him?" Mo Xueer looked at Huo Xiaoxiao chuckle.


"Because there is love, there is hate... I am against him, you can understand... because of love and hate..."

"How do you want to deal with him?" Huo Wei did not waste his tongue and asked the subject directly.

"I think he is dead, I think, are you also the target?"

Huo Hao nodded. "Yes, I want him to die, but... he is not so good."

"So I came to you..." Mo Xueer continued to smile strangely.

"You are overestimating me... I am not that big, you may... find the wrong person." Huo Wei lowered his head.

"You don't have it, but Shen Mingxi has it... Isn't there a backing behind you?"

"This is my own business, I don't want to... drag him into the water."

"Oh, Huo Wei, don't pretend... Who are you? I am clear... I am sure to come to you, I am sure, I am short-spoken, I have a perfect plan here, I only need you to cooperate. I, to ensure that the clothes are seamless, Huo Siqian is dead, my heart is over, I will go abroad directly... and you have a big hatred, isn’t that good?”

"If it's as easy as you said, it's natural. If you don't, you will be amazed... At that time, Hoschin's revenge means you should know." Huo said calmly.

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