My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2341: In front of Ian, you are like a dog (9)

"Well, let me come over and see... Is there any clue?" Gao Ran is obviously not in a good mood.

"I heard about the murder. I have seen Lin Mingyu... It’s terrible. A good girl is maimed..." Although Huo Jin didn’t know Xiang Xin, she still felt terrible.

"I have a feeling that this is not so simple..." Gao said slowly.

"What do you mean...?" Huo Mian did not know what Gao was referring to?

“I have been in the city for many years, and I am quite prestigious to the old. Most people don’t start with the little daughter he loves, and they are so vicious...”

"Do you think this is related to Huo Siqian?" Huo Mian asked cautiously.

"Is not good, there is no evidence, I don't dare to talk about it... Look it up, I will go back to the city bureau first, and I haven't been very close recently. You are careful..." After the completion of the account, he left the hospital.

After Huo Mian raided the house, he returned to the office and just entered, the phone rang.

"Hello, Qin Daren..." Huo Mian smiled and looked at the man across the video, and the haze in his heart was swept away.

"Is it busy?" Qin Chu's gentle opening.

"I just checked the room and I am going to eat."

"Well, I will only finish the meeting."

"Right, I just saw Gao Ran... I went to the murder case last night. Do you know?" Huo Mian said to Qin Chu.

"Know, read the news, the major media are reporting."

"Well, it can be miserable. The deceased is the youngest daughter who is home. It is said that it is only twenty years old. It looks beautiful and beautiful... Lin Mingyu came to the autopsy, and Gao Ran also came. This incident is very bad... It is said that it is very bad... The little girl died very badly... The little nurses in our hospital have already said that it may be a vampire."

"Vampire?" Qin Chu slightly frowned.

"Well, because there is no blood in the dead, they are all dried up..." Huo Mian said a seriousness.

"Is there any tooth print on the neck?" Qin Daren asked more.

Huo Mian:......

"Husband, you are not funny at all about this question..." Huo Mian flatted his mouth.

"I heard that I was hospitalized in your southern district..."

"Well, right, in the VIP ward, just experienced the pain of a lost woman, no one can stand it, has been playing nutrient solution."

"Mr. Chera must be there?"

"In, I saw her in the corridor today." Huo Mian quietly replied, but about Moxue's that Hossein had a dual character, Huo Mian did not tell Qin Chu.

"Wife, what class do you have these days?" Qin Chu asked again.

"These days are white jobs..."

"That's good..." Qin Chu seems to be relieved.

"What's wrong? Husband... What does it have to do with me? Are you afraid that I will be afraid? Ha... Don't worry, I am not a little girl, not like those little girls, all day thinking, vampires, zombies, what? Especially, it is not reliable, although this is quite scary, but I am a doctor, I will not be so unrealistic to follow the trend." Huo Mian chuckled.

"No, I think that this time someone is shooting at home, maybe it is related to Mo Xueer... Mo Xueer is now in the Southern District. I am afraid that if it is for her, the murderer may choose the Southern District... A murderer who can kill people with cruel means should be extremely terrible, so you should be careful in the hospital recently, no matter whether it is white or late, you can't take it lightly." Qin Chu did not rest assured that he was sleeping.

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