My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2342: In front of Ian, you are like a dog (10)

"Reassure, my husband... I have a head debt and a sovereign. Since it is Mo Xueer’s enemies, it has nothing to do with me. I am not Mo Xueer’s girlfriend... Nothing will happen."

"In short... I have to be careful." Qin Chu is not at ease.

"Well, I know, my husband, I will."

"Okay, then go eat, I will pick you up when I get off work early in the evening."

"it is good."

After the couple’s video was hung up, Qin Chu worriedly got up and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office.

White and black trousers, even if it is a simple dress, put on him, is also a peerless style.

"Qin total..." Xiao Yang knocked on the door.

"It's time for lunch, are you going to the restaurant or going downstairs?"

"Don't eat, there is no appetite." Qin Chu looked out the window and said slowly.

"Amount... BOSS, are you swollen? Is it a quarrel with Huo?" Xiao Yang thinks that such a strong person like Qin will not be in a bad mood under normal circumstances, unless it is in conflict with the person he cares most. Not happy.

Even if the company's quarterly turnover drops by a few dozen points, Qin will not be so depressed, low pressure.

"No, no quarrel."

"That...?" Xiao Yang is also confused.

"I'm fine, go eat."

"Then, if you want to eat something, tell me, I will buy it for you."

"Go out." Qin Chu's mood is not high, after sending Xiao Yang, a person has been watching for a long time before landing.

This feeling was there a few days ago. I don't know why, my heart is uneasy.

I always feel that something bad is going to happen, and he doesn't know what he can do?

This feeling is very weak, so that Qin Chu does not like it.

Holmes Group Headquarters

"Boss, what should we do? Do we want the public relations department to make a statement? Those artificial cockroaches are getting more and more powerful... It’s just a direct statement that people are killing you... especially Mo Xueer’s smashing goods, has been referring to mulberry, I kept saying that things to the family are related to you, and told the media that you went to the house several times before and after... The purpose is not pure, this stinking ****, purely want to frame you..." Huo Siqian The men shouted for the boss.

Huo Siqian is lying down and shooting...

Obviously nothing was done, but it was inexplicably used as a murderer.

It has always been said to be a person who has a direct relationship with the death of Xiang Xiang.

The major media rushed to report that it was said to have appeared in a bar before the death of Xin, and together with the girlfriends.

Then I took a mysterious foreign handsome guy in the bar, and then I disappeared after I went to someone else.

Until the early morning, the body appeared at the door of the house...

"Without explanation, some things are only more and more black..." Hosshim said slowly.

"But this goes on, the police station will also suspect that you are coming up?"

"The police need to have evidence to arrest people. This matter has nothing to do with me. We don't have to do anything..." Huo Siqian confidently filled his mouth.

"Boss... Then you said, will it be Mo Xueer's stinking ****... She is looking for someone to do it, and then deliberately blaming you on the head... In this case, the woman can’t stay, we I must kill her..." There is a bold guess.

Huo Siqian shook his head. "Mo Xueer is also very ruthless, but he does not dare to have such a means of killing, and drains all the blood of the deceased. This abnormal behavior, Mo Xueer, she does not have such courage, and her heart is also Not so powerful..."

"Boss, do you suspect this time, other people?"

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