My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2348: The devil's means (six)

"If I don't agree with you..."

"Joe is your uncle..." Lu smoked the fire.

"Smoke, don't try your best, don't worry about moths... I promise the old man to take care of you..."

"Then what happens if my sister has an accident?"

"My sister will always observe it. If there is danger, I will definitely find a way to rescue... I won’t let her go wrong. My brother-in-law has a life-saving grace for me. I am not so cold-blooded..." Joe Fei gave Lu Yan Under the guarantee.

"Is this true?" Lu Yan was relieved to hear this.

"When did I fool you?"

"In this case, why don't you dare to play with me, are you afraid of losing?" Lu Yan proudly raised his chin.

"No, I am not interested in the bet..." Joe was not a faint opening.

"You...what do you want to gamble?" Lu Yan was almost speechless to this guy.

"If I win, you have my bed tonight, okay?" Joe was so cloudless, even in the face of his subordinates, said such bold words.

Luyan has no time to blush...

"You..." She was furious and didn't know what to say.

"The old lady is too lazy to play with you... Hey, you said, take a nap..." After that, Lu Yan turned back and went back to the castle.

No longer mention the things of the C city, let alone play such a naive behavior.

Qiao Fei looked at the sly little girl, and finally he was not willful, but he was relieved.

Turn around and go back...

He picked up the phone and dialed a number.

Qin Chugang finished the meeting in the group. When he came out, he received this strange number. The mobile phone software automatically identified the caller number from Russia.

These three words made Qin Chu think of Qiao Fei and Lu Yan for the first time.

After the eve of the New Year’s Eve, there has been no news of the two.

Thinking of this, Qin Chu picked up the phone.


"Sister, I am Joe." This brother-in-law, Joe is not very natural.

"I know." Qin Chu is more calm than Joe, and it seems that the two have known each other for a long time.

"I have a message here to tell you."

"Well, you said..." Qin Chu nodded as he walked.

"According to our reliable news here, Ian has already arrived in City C two days ago."

"What do you say?" Qin Chu only felt that his body suddenly slammed.

"The reason why you didn't find it is because when he entered the country, he was easy to change his face... What others saw was not the true content of there was no feeling."

"It turned out to be like this." Qin Chu has finally realized suddenly, it is no wonder that there is a bad premonition recently.

Sure enough, Ian is coming... there are a series of things that have happened recently.

Ian is coming, going to the home, what is the relationship with Mo Xueer? Why is it...

Qin Chu’s brain turned fast, so he came up with a series of questions.

"Smoke is very afraid of the identity of my sister. You know that she is so sad that her sister, so today I am clamoring to go, but I am afraid of being amazed. I don’t think Ian already knows her sister’s identity, otherwise it will not be so peaceful. "Joe is a cool analysis.

"You are right, I think so." Qin Chu thinks that Joe is right.

If Ian knew the identity of Huo Mian, it would have been so early, it would not be so quiet.

"But it is still necessary to guard against it. There is no harm in vigilance. Ian's means... cruel to the common indignation of the gods and brothers, the brother-in-law should always be prepared to protect the family." Qiao Fei reminded.

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