My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2349: The devil's means (seven)

"Okay, I know, thank you for your message."

"My people will also closely monitor Ian's every move. If there is a need, we will send people at any time..."

"it is good."

Hanging up the phone, Qin Chu's mood can not be calm.

When he was in the United States for four years, he was quiet, and he did not hesitate to separate from Huo Mian. He went to investigate the six-year gap in the study of Huo Siqian in Germany.

It was later discovered that Horsham and the Ian family had a close relationship.

Then when investigating Ian, Qin Chu discovered that this is a perverted person, and even... can not be said to be human.

The lives of those who died in the hands of Ian in these years are no longer estimated.

If Ian is a **, a creature that poses a threat to humans and society, it is not surprising.

After receiving this news, Qin Chu even dared not take it lightly, and immediately began to secretly send people to protect his family.

On the other hand, he plans to go to work to find Gao Ran, so that Gao Ran will not continue to investigate blindly.

Rick and Sicily originally planned to leave as early as possible, but Sissi’s sister sprained her waist when she filmed a few days ago.

In order to take care of her sister, Xixi delayed the trip.

Rick was busy, and did not urge the West, the two left a few days later.

On this day, Sicily and Rick eat Japanese food together.

Rick looked at the matter.

"What's wrong? Do you have something to worry about?" asked West.


"How do you look so sullen?"

"Thinking about something." Rick was slow to eat.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to delay the trip. I am really worried about my sister's injury. You know that she is a star. Every day, I will face many unexpected situations..."

"Xisi, I didn't blame you... don't think too much." Rick reached out and held the hand of Sisi to comfort her.

"When my sister is better, we will return to the United States, ok?" Sicily smiled brilliantly.

"Good." Rick nodded slightly, full of eyes.

At this time, the group came in and caused the idea of ​​everyone in the restaurant.

Because it is rare to see so many foreigners together, there are four people in front and back, and the clothes they wear are all black robes.

It’s the same as a religious believer.

These things were not immediately concerned, but when the person who took the lead came to Rick and greeted him.

Rick realized what...

"Oh... my old friend, I didn't expect to meet you here..."

The familiar voice made Rick's body shake.

He looked up and found that...the face was unfamiliar, but the sound was...

"You..." For a time, Rick did not respond.

"How is my new face? Cool, right?" The man smiled strangely.

Throughout the process, we are talking about extremely standard American English.

Xixi has been studying abroad for a few years, and naturally it is to understand their dialogue.

So curiously, I looked at Rick. "Dear, is this your friend?"

"Dear?" Hearing the name of Rick on the West, the man looked at Sicily sideways.

When Xixi looked at her, the inexplicable heart began to fear, and did not know why, but the heart panicked.

That feeling is very bad, although this face is the face of a very handsome foreign man.

Even the value of mixed blood like Rick is even higher, but it is very reluctant to think that Siming is Mo Ming.

"My old friend, when did you start to like this kind of woman?" The man smiled and asked Rick, but the smile was a creepy feeling.

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