My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2352: The means of the devil (10)

"I mean this too... I have been sending people to look for it again. Some abandoned factories in the suburbs have already been searched..." Gao sighed.

"Ian's style of doing things is very different, and I have always been very courageous. It is very likely that he did not put your police in the eyes... You don't have to look for it in the suburbs, you can also pay attention to the city... Perhaps, they are also in the urban area." Qin Chu gave a pertinent opinion.

"Well, Achu, do you have any plans? You just didn't say... Ian seems to be looking for the whereabouts of Xiaomian?" On this part of Huo Mian, Qin Chu did not say much, just about Gao Ran Said a mouth.


"Is your family going to be dangerous?"

"I don't know, it depends on how much Ian knows... or how much Huo Siqian is going to tell Ian..." Qin Chu is not sure if Ian knows the identity of Huo Mian, so I am in my heart. It has always been a fearful amount.

"This is troublesome... The more I don't know, the more I am afraid... In short, you protect Xiaomian and the children's dads... Yes, if you can't, don't let her continue to work recently, I always think that those people Can easily sneak into the Southern District, do not know the ghosts and kill the old, take Mo Xueer, then the Southern District is not safe ... " Gao Ran persuaded Qin Chu.

"I understand that I will tell him back..."

At this time, the Qin Chu mobile phone rang...


"Qin, I am in a hurry to tell you, where are you?" Rick’s voice was very anxious.

"I am here."

"I just... Ian saw..." Rick’s tone was particularly dignified.

"What? Where did you see it?" Qin Chu body suddenly trembled.

"On the Japanese restaurant on Huaxi Road... We will meet you later, this is troublesome..."

"Okay, then I am looking for you now."

After that, Qin Chu got up...

"Rick saw Ian, I am going to find him to talk."

"Where did you see it? Rick knows Ian?" Gao Ran also got up.

"Rick's family used to deal with the Ian family. They are not enemies now, but they are not friends... In short, the relationship is complicated, not clear in a few words."

"Okay, then you go first, have the latest news, tell me, if you really know where to go, you can do it... you can also find out where Mo Xueer got them..."

Qin Chu got up and left, and Gao Ran’s cell phone rang again.

"Achu, you wait..." Gao Ran shouted behind him.

Qin Chu turned around...

Gao Ran took out the phone screen and opened a video to Qin Chu to see.

After Qin Chu glanced, his face changed slightly.

In the video, it was Mo Xueer who had no next piece of cloth, so the red fruit was tied to the cross.

The wrists on both sides were nailed to the nails, and the blood donation slowly descended.

The feet are also nailed to death.

The original appearance is not visible on the face, but the outline is still recognizable. It is Mo Xueer's right.

"These people... it’s just too cruel... Treating a woman in such a way... If Mo Xueer is alive, I don’t think it’s as good as death... I’m a passer-by, I’m going to look down, Mom, I’m I really want to catch this Ian, kill him... Shoot a hundred times..." Gao Ran doesn’t like Mo Xueer’s way of being a man, but sees her being like a doll, nailed to the cross, and enjoys music. For a moment, the mood is also extremely heavy.

"Where is this video?" Qin Chu asked coldly.

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