My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2353: Do you have something to look at me? (One)

"I just forwarded it, saying that three minutes ago, our city headquarters received such a video, this is the provocation of the red fruit... Those people... What do you want to do?" Gao Ran is also angry.

When the police have been in the police for so many years, the murderer has seen a lot, and I have never seen such a cruel person...

It is no wonder that even when Qin Chu mentioned Ian, he must be cautious and talk about the discoloration of the tiger.

"It seems... Mo Xueer is also a lot of fierce, Ian sent such a video to you... really too arrogant... I know that you can't take him."

"The trough... this dead foreign embarrassed... If this angers Lao Tzu, I will control what Ian is or a second grace or a three grace. I will shoot him first, and then I will think about it later... even if it is Foreigners are sensitive, and can't ride my neck and pull..." Gao Ran is usually calm, but the anger is also a violent lion.

I even want to collapse directly in the foreign country, but things are so simple.

"I still don't know what it will be like...but your people don't have to look for it..." Qin Chu looked down on his head.

"Why?" Gao Ranyi did not seem to understand the meaning of Qin Chu.

"Mo Xueer should be dead... Even if he is not dead now, he will die..." Qin Chu can be sure that Mo Xueer, who has been tortured into this way, Ian probably does not intend to let her go.

Her life and death seem to have no suspense.

"Fucking exercises... I am also a policeman who is really wasteful... The two hostages can't save..." For a moment, the police's mission was overwhelming, and he felt very arrogant, very inferior, and even felt that he was nothing.

For the first time, I felt that I was sad because I couldn’t do anything...

"You don't have to be too upset... Ian's arrival is something we all didn't expect... okay, now people are irrelevant to us... If people around us are stared at him It’s troublesome.”

"That's also... oh... I will go back to the city bureau first. It is estimated that this time the city board trail will be blown up..." Gao Ran was extremely bad and separated from Qin Chu.

Qin Chu went to see Rick and Gao returned to the city bureau.

Mo Xueer was nailed to the cross and there was no pain at the moment.

Because it is already numb...

Being tortured by this group of demons is exhausted. She even thinks that at this time, who can give her a knife, let her die is relief.

"Adult, this woman can't hold on for a long time...Is it going to kill now?" Ian asked.

Ian was sitting on a chair not far away, drinking red liquid leisurely, not knowing whether it was blood or red wine.

Let the entire basement be filled with **** smell...

"No, keep her first, I tied her, but in order to give Huo a big gift..." Ian raised his mouth slightly.

Ten minutes later, Huo Siqian arrived.

Half an hour ago, Huo Siqian received a notice and Ian asked him to meet.

Because the mobile phone was being monitored, Ian was very powerful. He sent people directly to the old house of Ho's, and then gave him a secret number.

At first, I heard the news that Ian had come. Huo Siqian was shocked and felt too suddenly.

Because Ian came here, he did not receive any news, and he did not know when he entered the country.

Then calm down and think about what happened in the past few days, the death of Xin, the death of the old, and the disappearance of Mo Xueer.

I understand what is going on, except for Ian, how do other people make such disgusting things?

"Adult, Mr. Huo arrived..." The door outside the door knocked on the door to report.

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