My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2365: It turns out that he is Ian (3)

Because of his wife’s ingenuity and wisdom, it will definitely cause her suspicion.

"Husband, I have a morning meeting today, I am leaving first..."

"I will send you." Qin Chu immediately put down the bread that he had not finished eating and got up.

"No, I can do it myself."

"No, I will send you." No matter what Hung-Hing said, Qin Chu would not let her go to work.

In the end, I still insisted on driving to send the Humian to the Southern District Hospital.

Before getting off the bus, Qin Chu took the hand of Huo Mian and stared at him deeply. "Wife, I will pick you up after work. You don't want to go alone."

"I don't know a few points when I get off work. If I have a temporary operation, I may have to work overtime."

"That's fine, I will wait for you, in short, you have to wait for me to pick you up." Qin Chu is not at ease.

"Well, okay..." Homonia nodded and turned to the hospital.

Qin Chu has been waiting for Huo Mian to walk in, only to drive away.

An inconspicuous alley opposite the hospital.

Ian stood there and smiled. "It seems that her lover is very fond of her."

"Adult, do we want to tie her?" asked the man behind him in a low voice.

"No, kidnapping this game, I am tired of playing, I have a more fun game..." Ian smirked.

After Huo Mian entered the office, Chen Jie walked in with the information.

"Associate Dean, this is the information that you will need in the morning. You will see it first..."

Huo Mian looked up at Chen Jie and smiled. "How come to work so soon, isn't it a long vacation for you?"

Because Chen Jie and Ni Yang were just married, Huo Mian specially approved her to rest for a while.

I didn't expect her to come back so soon, it was quite kind.

"I can't wait, it's too boring..." Chen Jie smiled.

"Then Ni Yang that kid let you come to work?"

"Let's ah... He is busy writing new songs every day. We must all return to the right track. It's not good to be tired together." Here, Chen Jie's cheeks are slightly red.

"Okay, let's put it here, I will watch it later."

"Well, don't forget to drink lemonade. I heard that there is a whitening effect..." Chen Jiechi.

Huo Mian smiled and nodded...

After Chen Jie left, Huo Mian began to fall into meditation, she was thinking about a problem...

Recently it seems that everyone wants to let her go on holiday...

Huo Siqian said so, Qin Chu also said this...

This is too strange... Is it something big to happen recently?

Want to open her? Huo Mian felt that something was wrong, but did not know who to ask?

She turned on the TV in the office and saw the live memorial of Mo Xueer on the TV.

Huo Siqian wore a black suit, holding Mo Xueer's photo, walking in front, followed by the mighty followers.

There is also Jiang Ye who has not appeared for a long time, even in the crowd.

Su Yu did not go, but sent a tie, after all, are the entertainment circle, the artist of the Star King has gone a lot.

After all, this is also an opportunity to show up.

Huo Mian looked at it and found no valuable clues. Then he got up and picked up the information and walked toward the conference room.

The largest funeral home entrance in the city

Gao Ran brought people to maintain law and order, and I was afraid that some people would make trouble. After all, it was a place where people were mixed.

In the police car, Gao Ran was holding a can of cola and was anxious.

"The high game, it’s been so long, we also issued a wanted order... I can’t find the murderer without reason. The foreigners themselves are not many, they should be very eye-catching, can they say... they have left the city ? Have you escaped?" The policeman under his jurisdiction guessed.

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