My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2366: It turns out that he is Ian (four)

Gaoran shook his head. "No, how can such a person escape?"

Because listening to Qin Chu said Ian's identity, Gao is sure that he will not escape as a tortoise.

"Then there is no news at all... not even an eyewitness... they don't have to eat or drink?"

Gao Ran also wondered why there was no movement at all...

It is reasonable to say that the portrait reduction of the portraits of the city bureau's portrait masters should be very high. Not a few days later, there is no clue.

When I think of it, Ian is changing her face at any time.

He and his men can switch the human skin mask at will. In the restaurant that day, when Rick and Sicily met Ian, the face was not Ian, so how could he catch such a change in the five senses? What about people?

"Is there a suspicious clue to the death of Mo Xueer?" Gao Ran asked.

"For the time being... there are still some bloodstains and hairs that have been sent for inspection. The results have not yet come out."

"Okay, I know." Gao Ran became more and more depressed, and he gave orders to death. He must give an explanation to these murders.

Xiang Xin is a famous lady, and he is an old and highly respected businessman. Now Mo Xueer is a very influential female star.

Three lives, in just a few days... really is unprepared.

Huo Siqian personally killed Mo Xueer, but Ian’s people have dealt with all the clues and evidence.

Therefore, the police also suspected that Huo Siqian was on the head, not to mention that he still had a lot of evidence of absence.

If there is no such clue as Ian, Gao Ran may have already caught Hooshi Qian back to the police station to drink tea.

But now... can only say that it is getting more and more confusing.

When Huo Mian came back early, he took out his mobile phone and brushed his circle of friends.

I saw a photo of the airport from the West, and wrote only one sentence - to start a beautiful new life.

Huo Mian knows that she and Rick have left the city and went to the United States, but... Where will the West find a better new life?

When I think of Rick’s family dispute, I think of the fiancee named Luna, but it’s the daughter of ****.

Huo Mian squeezed a cold sweat for Xixi...

It’s a god, her cell phone is ringing, it’s a video call, and the bean pie is sent.

Seeing her daughter's head, Huo Mian became gentle in a moment.

"Doudin." She spoke softly.

"Mummy, what are you doing?"

"Mummy is at work."

"Then you have dinner?"

"Eat after, what about you? Have you eaten with your sister?"

"Eat, we are not at home, we are eating outside, eating salmon..." Douding proudly showed off.

"External? Are you going out with your grandparents?" Huo Mian asked.

"It is not... Su Shuai came to pick us up, ha." Douding said.

As soon as Su Yu took over the twins, Huo Mian was relieved.

"It turned out to be the case."

"Mummy... Some of your makeup failures today..." Douding suddenly pointed to Huo Mian’s face.

"Ah?" Humami glanced, subconsciously touching his face, not knowing what went wrong.

"You should use a bright color eye shadow. You, this coffee color will look like you are awkward..."

"Well, the villain is fine, Mommy does not need you to guide." Huo Mian laughed.

"Mummy, Uncle Su said, this shop is also good for seafood. Would you like to come over and eat with us? I think it's still early, should you still have a lunch break? Doudou asked."

After listening to the Bean Ding, Huo Mian looked down at the watch...

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