My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2376: It turns out that he is Ian (fourteen)

"Don't worry, we can let the waiters start the pot first, and then wait for them to come, they can eat directly." Qin Ning made an idea.

"Well, this can have... you have to tell the waiter to start the pot, and I will give Su a fight..." After that, Tang Chuan got up and called Su Yu again.

The phone was opened, but Su Yu did not pick up...

Su Yu is driving in the roadster at this time, and both twins are sitting in the co-pilot.

In fact, this is not allowed, but in the capacity of Su Ye, no one in the city's traffic police does not know, and no one dares to ask.

When waiting for a red light at an intersection...

Su Yu glanced inadvertently and saw a young woman on the door of a bar. She was armed with two foreign men on a black Ford.

He frowned slightly and recently watched the news on TV. He also knew that the murders occurred frequently.

The focus is on young women and foreign men...

So Su Yu felt that something was wrong, and the whim had just wanted to keep up, and suddenly thought that the twins were still in the co-pilot.

Suddenly, this mind was extinguished. If you are in a hurry, if you are in danger, you will be fine. Twins can’t be lost.

So thinking about it, I ignored the phone call from Tang Chuan...

"Su Shuai, what are you thinking?" asked Pudding.

"It's alright."

"But it's all green, why don't you leave?" Douding pointed to the front.

"Amount... immediately." Su Yu continued to drive.

After a while, I went to a palace, and Su Yu took the twins and walked inside.

There were also several acquaintances at the door, and a group of rich children and a few sisters were also eating here.

I saw Su Yu and saw the ancestors, and nodded.

"Su Ye... Are you here to eat?"

"Well." Su Yu nodded.

"If you don't give up, let's go together... It's just Akai's birthday, everyone is happy together..."

"No, I have a friend who is upstairs, you eat." Su Yu then took the twins upstairs.

"The two children are... Su Ye? So cute twins..." There were uninformed girls gossip in the group.

"Su Ye is not married yet, don't be funny, okay?"

"Now people, marriage and child-rearing have a relationship? Who said that if you don't marry, you can't have a baby?" The girl retorted.

"That's not Su Ye, but Su Ye really hurts these two children... Isn't it because Su Ye likes other people's moms? Forget it... We still don't say that it's wonderful, Su Ye is very hot, doesn't like others behind Argument, come, drink and drink..." Although several big men think this is an interesting topic, they dare not say more, and they are very scruples about Su Yu.

When Su Yu was holding twins into the private room, everyone had arrived...

"My mom, I thought you drove through, forty minutes... you can run two back and forth, this is not like your style, Su Ye..." Tang Chuan looked at his watch.

"Uncle Tang, can't blame Su Shuai, I have to go out after watching a TV episode, and it has delayed the time..." Douding explained immediately.

"You little devil... watch what TV series... Really, come and come, sit down, we will eat..." Tang Chuan waved his hand.

Su Yu was sitting directly between Tangchuan and Wei Liao.

The twins are flying towards their parents...

Pudding ran faster, directly on the legs of Qin Chu.

Douding holds the hand of Huo Mian and begins to spoil and sell Meng.

Huo Mian’s petty cocked it and put it on his lap. “Doudou, what do you want to eat, Mommy will help you?”

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