My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2377: It turns out that he is Ian (fifteen)

"Fish balls, crab sticks, and... the shrimps slip..." Douding is also a polite, a god.

"Doudou, be careful, don't be overweight..." Tang Chuan deliberately teased her.

"Uncle Tang, you chat like this, do you not want to enter my Qin family door?" Douding domineering rebuttal.

"Oh, I heard no, this little devil in your family knows to threaten people?" Tang Chuan looked at Huo Mian complained.

"This skill she always has...not learning now." Huo Mian is very calm.

"Doudin, come... my aunt came here, my aunt hugged..." Qin Ning was also very happy to see the little niece.

Bean Ding climbed down from Huoming and sat directly on Qin Ning's leg.

However, the pudding has been on the side of the ground, and it is quite satisfactory.

"Budding, you are not here? Come, my uncle here?" Tang Chuan also followed the fun and shouted the pudding.

Pudding calmly swept over Tangchuan’s face and replied, “I’m talking about the stock market... I don’t have time to play with you.”

"Amount..." Tang Chuan suddenly speechless.

Wei Liao smiled. "Pudding, I heard that you bought a lot of shares in Holmes. How about, earned?"

"Not yet thrown... waiting for an opportunity." Pudding replied.

"Yes, I also know that the goods are out, great, have the style of your father..." Wei Liao praised.

A group of people gathered around and talked while eating hot pot. The atmosphere was not bad.

During the period, Su Yu suddenly mentioned the recent murder case and looked at Zhu Lingling. "Ling sister, the high school said nothing, is the murderer determined to be a foreigner?"

"Well, ok, but my husband said... Maybe it was not allowed in the previous portrait. These foreigners... It seems that the appearance is always changing. Every time the incident occurs, the witnesses see the raw faces... It’s very strange. I don’t know if many people’s team left the case, or those people will be easy to adapt, really he served...” Zhu Lingling took a slap in the back.

"What's wrong? Su Ye, do you have a clue?" asked Jiang Xiaowei.

"I saw it on the way I came..." Su Yu’s words have not finished.

Huo Mian’s mobile phone is ringing and it sounds very fast. This is the ringtone that Huo Mian specially set for the Southern District Hospital.

Because if you can pick up the phone from the hospital after work, it is mostly an emergency.

So Huo Mian immediately took out his mobile phone and picked up the phone...

"Hey? What? How long? Strictly not serious? Then you wait for me... I will be there soon..." Huo Mian hanged his phone and his face changed.

"Wife, what happened?" Qin Chu put down the chopsticks and looked at Huo Mian.

"Hospital emergency, just picked up a patient, bleeding in the abdomen, need surgery immediately..."

"Every day, there are similar incidents. There are so many doctors on duty in the hospital... you don't have to go out." Zhu Lingling asked curiously.

"It’s the patient’s family member who asked me to do the surgery. If I don’t, I won’t sign it...” Huo Mian’s dignified answer.

"There is this thing? Fresh... It seems that Dr. Huo is very famous..." Jiang Xiaowei smiled and joked.

"Husband, give me the car key, you should eat it first. After you finish eating, take the child home... I will go back when I am finished."

"No, I will go with you." Qin Chu got up.

"Don't really... It's not too late, I drive my own car..." Huo Mian felt that there is no need for Qin Daren to go.

"Don't waste time, let's go." Without giving Huo Mian a chance to speak, Qin Chu put down the pudding and took Huo Mian's hand and left.

I didn’t even have time to say hello to everyone...

After they left, Tang Chuan looked at the pudding and looked at the pudding. "You two little things are really pitiful, so you have been forgotten by your powerful parents? Is it really a biological one? Or a charge Sent?"

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