My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2379: It turns out that he is Ian (seventeen)

In addition to occasionally doing some difficult operations in obstetrics and gynaecology and orthopedics, Huo Mian basically does not touch surgery.

Therefore, hospitals often have some emergency patients, either in a car accident or on a construction site.

This kind of she has not seen it before, but the situation of such a miserable situation is really the first time I saw it.

The girl lay there, dying, his face was very pale, but it was faintly obvious that the facial features were very beautiful and not too old.

But the injury is indeed so heavy, but it is still due to the interference of external forces...

Look at the wound can be distinguished, it is a knife wound, that is to say, someone used a knife to directly open her chest, and then bleeding.

"First stop the blood, immediately do the surgery." Huo Mian made a deep breath to calm himself down.

Then combined with two surgeons, the three little nurses did this extremely difficult operation.

The operation lasted for more than three hours. When Huo Mian came out of the operating room, it was already half past twelve.

Because the surgery must be highly concentrated, so once relaxed, Huo Mian only feel dizzy, very tired.

Someone was handing a glass of water around him...Huo Mian took it and just got it.

I found that I was not a nurse in my own hospital, but a strange foreigner...

The man doesn't look young, his eyes are shining with strange lights, and his eyes are especially strange, like laughing and laughing.

Huo Mian vigilantly took the spirit and took the disposable paper cup.

"who are you?"

"I am the friend of the girl just now..." An opening, all in English.

Fortunately, Huo Mian can understand.

"You are the patient's friend..." Huo Ming obviously does not believe it.

"Yes, I asked the hospital to ask you to have an operation. You really did a good job... I heard that the operation was very successful."

"Although the operation was successful, but it has not yet left the dangerous period, it is still necessary to observe later." Huo Mian looked at the man's fluent reply in English.

"I didn't expect that your English is actually good... I heard that you have not studied abroad." The man smiled.

"You seem to know a lot about me..." Huo Mian is more vigilant.

A strange man who doesn't know, or a foreigner, is a patient friend, but he knows his own affairs well. How terrible is this?

"People in the hospital are boasting about you. It is difficult to know if you don't know. I heard that you are self-taught."

"Thank you for complimenting, your friend is now in the intensive care unit. It is not suitable for visiting. If you want to visit, come early tomorrow... I am going to work." Huo Jin did not intend to say more, she is going to go to the office to find Qin Chu. And then go home together.

“Is there any interest in accompanying me to stay up late?” The man looked at Huo Mian and raised his mouth in a strange way.

"I have no interest in eating with strangers." Huo Mian refused coldly.

"But if you don't agree with my request, I will be unhappy..." The man continued.

"So? What do you want?" Humami frowned slightly, looked up at the man's eyes, and did not have any fear.

"The people around me know that if I am not happy... the consequences are terrible... I really don't want you to see me unhappy... it will be a disaster."

Listening to the man with a half threat, Huo Mian suddenly laughed.

"I don't know if you have heard it. There is an old saying in our country called... Don't be too self-willed. Do you really think that your mother is inside the four seas?" These words are spoken in English, although some strange, but still able I heard the approximate meaning.

So, is Hung Mian giving him a slap?

Ian squinted at the front of the body, his body was very short and thin in his eyes, some incredible...

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