My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 2380: It turns out that he is Ian (18)

Under the heavens, no one dared to talk to him except for the dead girl who was in the smoke. No one.

His brother Nalo did not dare, and Huo Siqian did not even dare.

But in front of this woman, she actually yelled at him with great words, and also smashed his mother by the way...

I don't know if it is a recent murder case. Huo Mian is very uncomfortable with foreign men.

Plus the mood is really irritating tonight, so it is too much, and directly swears.

"Doctor Huo... I will be very upset when you say this to me..." Ian slowly looked at Huo Mian.

"So what?"

"I think I can do it now..." Ian’s words have not been finished.

A voice broke the silence between them.

"Wife... is it busy?" Qin Chu stood not far away, leaning against the wall of the corridor, holding a black lighter in his right hand, Qin Daren in a black shirt, dressed like this, handsome fried, all bursting Road idol star, small fresh meat or something.

Seeing Qin Chu, Huo Mian suddenly got a hi.

"Well, I’m done... I just finished the operation."

"What are you still doing? We are going home..." Qin Chu finished, striding over the meteor, directly holding the hands of Huo Mian.

"Well." Qin Chu is in, Huo Mian's sense of security is multiplied, and more emboldened.

The couple held hands and walked over from Ian...

Qin Chu didn't even look at the foreign men next to him, as if he didn't know at all.

Ian looked at their backs like this until they went far...

"Adult, why not order us to do it?" I don't know when to have two more men.

"Idiot... this woman's husband is not simple..."

"Are we not checking him? It’s just an ordinary entrepreneur... It’s not easy, because his uncle is Mr. Qin, the chief executive of the famous American tycoon GK?"

"No, it doesn't matter to me... I am interested in holding a lighter in his hand." Ian is a very thoughtful person. When Qin Chu came over, he glanced at the black lighter in Qinchu's hand. .

I saw the pattern of a red dragonfly above, so I dare not act rashly.

"Is there anything wrong with the lighter? Is it a detonator? Is there a bomb in the hospital?" Ian's men guessed.

"No, his pattern... looks like the symbol of doomsday..."

"Dooms of death? How could it be... that is not..." The words of his men did not continue.

"I will investigate this matter carefully, after all... I don't want to make any mistakes..." Ian finished, turned and went.

Qin Chu and Huo Mian just left the hospital, and Huo Siqian drove.

His people have always observed Ian's movements. After hearing that he came to the Southern District, Huo Siqian was frightened.

Without saying anything, driving straight to the Southern District, I am afraid that Ian will have any action on Huo Mian...

"Adults..." Huo Siqian pressed his inner panic and rushed to Ian.

"You are also anxious? I am afraid of my sweetheart for you... hands-on?" Ian laughed.

"Adult, my sister... She is just a general doctor. I really don't know anything. I also ask adults to look at the face that I have been loyal to you. Don't hurt her... I am also a relative of her." For the first time, Si Qian was so serious about it, not because he was afraid of Ian, but only because he was hurt.

"Huo, I have known you for many years. It’s rare to hear that you are so gentle... It seems that the woman is really important to you... but I am very surprised... Since you are loyal to me, why are these? In the years, I can't find the person you asked me to find for you?"

In the face of Ian’s questioning, Huo Siqian was once again guilty...

"So you really can't find it, or did you find a message that you don't want to tell me about the orphan of Lujia?" Ian leaned close to Huo Siqian's nose and looked at his eyes and asked questions.

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